Buccaneers first organize 'She is Football Weekend' to increase the opportunities for women in the NFL
The weekend included a 5K -run on Saturday, walking and walking. More than 3,000 people participated. A market festival was held in the training facility of the team with companies owned by women, and there were compound tours through the complex that gave young girls the opportunity to learn more about the roles available within a professional sports organization.
Glazer Kassewitz joined one of the tours involved with the guests, asked questions, posed for photos and emphasized several of the different jobs that they could pursue in the future.
“This pillar of strengthening women and developing young girls into leaders is something that the Glazer family has been doing for more than 10 years,” says Kourtney Sanchez, Chief Impact Officer for the Buccaneers. “It is a witness to the incredible reaction to this inaugural event and feeling the energy here this weekend has strengthened and reflected the importance of this mission our continuous dedication to keep girls and women in the game.”
During the Scouting Combine last month, the NFL kept its ninth annual Women's Forum as part of its continuous, competition-wide dedication to inclusion. More than 250 possibilities have emerged for women at all football levels since the start of the forum in 2017. Last season, the NFL had 15 full -time female coaches, a competition record and most for every male professional sports competition in the world.
“We know that as a competition we cannot reach our full potential without the success and hard work of our clubs that raise their local communities,” said Smith. “Thanks to organizations such as the Buccaneers, the NFL can continue to promote football game and offer unique opportunities for everyone.”
Smith called the top “really inspiring” and pointed out how women from different backgrounds came together to work together and elevate each other.
“I would like to see how these connections influence the football game, influence the local tampa community and stimulate the permanent momentum beyond the event, hopefully live for years,” said Smith.
“She is football” weekend was such a hit that the Buccaneers have already announced that the next one will be held from 6-7 March 2026. Fans of other teams, including the Rival New Orleans Saints division, showed their appreciation.
Originally conceived as a locally oriented event around the celebration of the International Women's Day, the weekend exceeded the expectations of the organization and attracted interest of women throughout the country who traveled to Tampa for a chance to grow their networks, celebrate their shared love for sport and find possibly career inspiration.
“I was never in something like this where you could choose the brain of people who may be in the positions you might ever want, or ideas for positions you want to create or build,” said NFL network reporter Sara Walsh, who moderated the event and served as a mentor. “It would have really opened your eyes.”
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