Five-star Ol Jackson Cantwell, more visiting Michigan football this weekend

Sherrone Moore and the Michigan Wolverines will organize their first major recruitment weekend of spring. There will be many top goals in Ann Arbor to view spring exercises, bond with coaches and players and to view everything the university has to offer.
Here is the (always preliminary) visitor list for prospects offered in the 2026 class.
Three-star WR Jaylen -Stack
Pile will be back in Ann Arbor to recruit his colleague 2026 classmates. The 6-foot, 175-Ponder from Dallas, Texas who dedicated to Michigan in October and has since been solid.
Four -star Matt Ludwig
Ludwig can be the upper tight end on the board for the Wolverines in this cycle. The 6-foot-4, 240 pound Montana resident has planned official visits for Georgia, Texas Tech and Michigan this summer, so it is good that the Wolverines will return it this spring before his official visit. There are a few predictions on ON3 for Michigan to land Ludwig.
Four -star Ian premer
Premer, a general player of the TOP 50, will visit this weekend to determine whether he will plan an official visit to Michigan. A resident of Kansas, Premer, strongly considering the birthstad schools, as well as the state of Iowa.
FIVE STARS OL Jackson Cantwell
The number 1 general player in the class of 2026, Cantwell will be on the campus all weekend before he returns for his official visit during the weekend of 13 June. Michigan probably has some work to do to compete with Oregon, Missouri and others.
Four -star ol Breck Kolojay
Kolojay is a big boy on 6-foot-5.5 and 320 pounds. He was offered by De Wolverines last May and visited the most recently last June. Kolojay plays at the IMG Academy in Florida and already has official visits in line for Oklahoma, Miami, Georgia and Tennessee.
Four -star ol Sam Greer
Pulling a child from the state of Ohio is never an easy task, but Michigan is going to try with the 6-foot-6.5, 310 pound greed. The overall player of the Top-200 plays at Archbishop Hoban in Akron and has other offers from Ohio State, Missouri, Wisconsin, Florida State, Oregon, Penn State and more.
Four -star ol Marky Walbridge
There are probably not many children who now go through Marky, but Walbridge is probably the largest of the couple on 6-foot-6 and 270 pounds. The resident of Massachusetts is one of the top goals of Michigans along the attacking line in this class and has already set up an official visit for the weekend of 20 June. The Wolverines fight against Alabama, Florida, Penn State, Ohio State and more elite programs for his dedication.
Four -star ol Gnivre Carr
There are many IMG Academy for views that visit this weekend and Carr is one of the contingent from Florida. The monstrous 6-foot-4, 336-Ponder has offers from all over the country, with official visits already in line for Miami, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina.
Four -star ol Kelvin Obot
Another highly regarded attacking Lineman, Obot (6-foot-5, 265 pounds) will be in Ann Arbor from Sunday. The Fruitland, resident of Idaho is the best player in his home in the classroom and has other offers from Ohio State, Oregon, Wisconsin, Tennessee, USC, Michigan State and more.
Three-star DL Brian Harris
A former commit of Maryland, Harris was offered last week by Michigan and, very quickly, planned this weekend trip. The 6-foot-3, 280 pound Jacksonville, Florida Resident already has official visits on the docket for Stanford, West Virginia, NC State and South Carolina.
Four -star Carter Meadows
The 6-foot-6, 215 ponder that plays at Gonzaga College in Washington DC, has steadily risen the ranking this season, and he is actually a five-star on ON3. The General Recruit no. 98 on 247Sports Composite is also considering strong Penn State and South Carolina.
Four -star Jake Kruel
The number 5 arranged player in his position and no. 37 general player in the classroom, the 6-foot-3, 230-pounds at IMG Academy compiled 39 tackles, 12 tackles for loss, 11 Quarterback Hits and six bags last year as a junior. Other schools he is considering than Michigan, including Ohio State, Oregon, Penn State, Florida, Miami, Florida State, Texas and more.
Four -star Titan Davis
Another top 100 general player, Davis was offered by Michigan last March and has since added a number of other really good offers from Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Miami and more. The 6-foot-5, 238-Ponder comes from St. Louis and had 46 tackles, 18 tackles for loss and nine bags as a junior last year.
Three-star lb Hudson Dunn
Dunn visited Ann Arbor for the last time last summer, so this will be his second trip to Michigan ever. He also planned his official visit for the weekend of June 20, so it would not be shocking if Michigan were currently leading. Dunn had 57 tackles and 13.5 bags for Liberty High School in Peoria, Arizona last season.
Three-star lb Duyon Forkpa Jr.
A strong competition for the All Name team for the 2026 class, Forkpa is another IMG Academy Prospect that makes his way to Michigan this weekend before he returns for his official visit on the weekend of 13 June. Forkpa has also planned official visits for Minnesota, Florida State, USF and Cincinnati.
Three -star CB Hakim satterwhite
Michigan just came to the mix for Satterwhite and offers him last month, which means that he has set a very fast first trip to Ann Arbor. The 6-foot-2, 180 pound Washington DC resident has only planned one official visit (to Miami), so that the Wolverines can make a movement this weekend.
Four -star Chace Calicut
One of the general goals of Lamar Morgans in the classroom, Calicut makes a weekend trip to Michigan only a few months before his official visit during the weekend of 20 June. The overall player in the classroom, Calicut also has civil servants in line in line to Texas and Washington. From today, the Longhorns will keep the prediction of the lonely crystal ball.
Four -star Simeon Caldwell
Another top 100 player, Caldwell is greater safety on 6-foot-3 and 185 pounds. He has already planned official visits for Ohio State, USC, Notre Dame and Miami, so the Wolverines have some overtaking.
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