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Edmonton Oilers lose Connor McDavid and OT decision to Winnipeg

Edmonton Oilers lose Connor McDavid and OT decision to Winnipeg



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The Oilers lost both the Connor McDavid match in Thursday match against the Winnipeg Jets. The captain of Edmonton sustained an injury late in the second period (that was not punished) and did not return.

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The oilers already played without Leon Draisaitl (precaution, daily) for only the sixth time in seven years

The Oilers fell down after losing McDavid, their starting keeper at the Spotters and ran back 3-2 to still bind it and force overtime. Kyle Connor Pols Thuis The 4-3 past newly inserted Calvin Pickard in OT for Winnipeg.

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All in all, Edmonton made a solid effort against long chances. The criminal murder was particularly good. It was a perfect four-for-four, including killing a 5V3. That enabled the club to earn a single point in the rankings.

Here is the story of the tape


Stuart Skinner. 6. Save a nice path on Demelo, although it took nine minutes for the jets to register their first shot on the net. Bled a favorable rebound immediately to an oncoming jet for the 1-1. Little chance of the 2-2. Back-to-back stops on Connor and Lowry to keep it that way. Stoned Connor again on a hurry along the left. Managed to grab a Namestnikov late in the first. An excellent rescue on Connor on the 5V5. Pulled without another five minutes in the third, apparently protocol for main contact and did not return.

Calvin Pickard. 5. Three saves after he is forced for Stuart Skinner. Little opportunity to stop the OT winner.

Connor McDavid. 6. Nine ninety-point NHL seasons. Feeded Hyman for an early shot. Another one for Perry, but the shot of the worms was bent high and wide. The collection meals of the early frame turned into a hard Ekholm shot. Nice end-to-end Rush then stuck the puck in the front and from a jets/skinner stick and in for the 2-1. A hack in Morrissey's hands suffered towards the end of the second and then missed a shift. Was it his hand/wrist, or was it actually another problem that we could not see as a goin or a hip flexor? Anyway, Connor would not return to the third. And the oil land holds its collective breath

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Jeff Skinner. 8. His best match of the season. Intercepted a loose puck in the neutral zone and then tore a wrist shot of the high slot for the 1-0. Almost his second in Rebound had a few services later. Hard net drive on the 2-1 that was credited to him, in front of my eye skinners hit the jet stick and pushed the puck in. Strong defensive game in his own way on an other ineffective power power of oilers after the failed Winnipeg target review. A clear on the one hand than a shot on the other at the same shift in the third. +2. Called the games #1 -star.

Zach Hyman. 7. Early shot from an McDavid feed. Leave his husband on the 1-1. Net in front presence, to the point where the game was assessed, on the 2-1. It was finally decided that Hyman was pushed into the goalkeeper. Denied on a Wrap-Around early in the third. Tied the 3-3 in the front to force the overtime and almost won in the extra frame with a hard one-timer that hit the goalies mask.

Mattias Ekholm. 5. Did not look particularly sharp in his second game of injury. Man and Puck missed on a Jet Zone transmission towards the end of the first, although fortunately it developed to nothing. Hard second period shot from an McDavid feed. From a crowd chosen for a rough call late in the second.

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Evan Bouchard. 4. Spent much of the night with hunting and less impact on the attack than we are used to seeing. Key blocked shot after the Wallman turnover in the D-Zone. Was just a bit instead of taking a man on the 3-2. He must be so harder in such a play. Lost his husband in Ot. HDSCS 1-8 5V5.

Ryan Nugent-Hopkins. 7. A Darnell Nurse Point delected only shot the smallest bit wide in the second. A face-off victory and then a great stem and clearly on that third period 5v3. In the battle on the 3-2. A face-off victory and two knew PK on a third period. A fantastic feed closed to Hyman in OT who almost (almost) won, but was refused. Very good in the piece with the clubs two best centers not on the ice. Very on the horsepower.

Viktor Arvidsson. 5. His six hundredth career-NHL game. A stick -tik for that. A very good defensive game like a D-Man who covers a Winnipeg two-to-two for a pinching teammate. Beauty from a pass to podkolzin for a chance of a bang in the third. Seemed to be some confusion between he and nurse in OT.

Vasily Podkolzin. 6. Hard back check helped to draw a power play in the first. A heavy hit on Iafallo on the horsepower occupies several jets and melted valuable seconds in the process. A hard jam game for a chance in the second. Another hard drive for a shot in the third.

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Darnell nurse. 4. Challenging night. Overtaken on the 2-2. A pintschot with the second period almost shot home through De Nuge. The series started on the 2-1 goal and earned a secondary assist. Beat clean on a chance from Jets, but Skinner made the salvation. But then a failed attempt to keep the puck in the attacking Blueline de Jets on a two-on-one that resulted in the 2-2. A rough minor asked in the third place the oilers placed on a 5V3. On the ice for the 3-2. His Pintschot was brought down by Henrique and then hit Hyman home for the 3-3. De Puck turned around in OT.

Jake Walman. 5. Rough beginning. A messy turnover behind his own net after too long to hold onto the disk led to a very long Winnipeg series. Then unable to get his stick on a loose rebound on the 1-1. Was the only man back on the Winnipeg Odd Man Rush who turned into the 2-2. A pass to Darnell Nurse on the 3-3. Tired the game stronger than it started.

Adam Henrique. 7. Good stem in the first. Valuable face-off victory and clearly on a first period hk. Not able to come back in time to disturb the strange man, hurry on the 2-2. A blocked shot and a clear on the third period 5v4. De Puck touched twice on the 3-3 goal, started the piece in the O-Zone and then brought the puck before Hyman hit him home. Played a ton along the piece with no. 29 or 97 to lean on and performed well. Very, very good on the horsepower.

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Max Jones. 4. Heavy hit his first service. Elbow Minor in the first, but a good horsepower has forced it. Hard control back to open the second. But crushed 5V5 in Scotch shares (CF 1-9, 10%).

Kasperi Kapanen. 5. The fourth rule did not hold its own. Kapanen had jumped and was fat. But the puck also turned twice.

Brett Kulak. 7. Kulak was excellent. The Edmonton Oilers most reliable D-man, I thought. High dangers 9-2 5V5 on his watch plus a lot of effective PK work. Two zone knew especially on the first period. A shot and a hit in 9:05 PM.

Troy Stecher. 6. This pair was solid and something. HDSCS 5-1 5V5. A shot and a block. He has been playing very well lately in the side lock.

Mattias Janmark. 5. More or less sawing off at night, played the last period in his natural position in the piece. Strong penalties kill efforts.

Connor Brown. 6. Strong second frame return control. Another later in the frame, immediately followed by a Puck struggle won deep in his own zone. It almost won on a partial break in the third. He was especially effective on the horsepower.

Corey Perry. 5. A great chance from the right in the city center, but it was deflected. Named a hook call late on a play where a paint group should also have been the other way.

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The Oilers-Seesens record goes to 40-24-5, 85 points, second in the Pacific Ocean, one back of Vegas.

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