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Young hockey player in Michigan goes home after months of rehabilitation

Young hockey player in Michigan goes home after months of rehabilitation



Grand Rapids, Mich.WOOD) Months after a young hockey player was checked in at the Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, it is safe to say that he has earned his tap-out.

Sitting next to his mother, dad and two brothers in a hospital bed, 11-year-old Mason Madden was anxiously waiting for a nurse to cut the safety bracelet out of his ankle.

I leave this place after three months, Madden told News 8. Feels like forever.

It was all smiling on Friday morning when Mary Free Bed Staff and two members of the Grandville Varsity Hockey team stood along the corridors. The young player asked for corn and blue for his departure celebration, and his carers went up and out with Pom-Poms and hockey sticks and tapped on the floor when Mason came by.

I knew we had a good support system, but I mean, the amount of people who have shown their love and support it phenomenally, said Masons mother Stephanie Madden.

Mason Madden leaves Mary Free Bed on March 21, 2025. (Courtesy Mary Free Bed)
Mason Madden leaves Mary Free Bed on March 21, 2025. (Courtesy Mary Free Bed)

Mason was an apparently healthy boy, played in front of the Grand Valley stars and enjoys activities that most 11-year-olds do. That was until January 2024.

Mason had what we thought was a leg injury, and we brought most of 2024 by trying to find out what it was exactly, said Mike Madden, father of the Freemasons. We thought it started as a muscle tension and then it turned into a potentially broken thigh. And visit many doctors and so on, it didn't get better. Therapy didn't get any better. So we checked them in Helen Devos Children Hospital on December 10 and on December 13 they found a large tumor in the spinal cord.

Mason was undergone an emergency operation to remove the tumor and has worked on recovery in recent months, including learning how to walk and perform daily tasks.

When asked what he told himself every day to penetrate, the 11-year-old said, if I don't do the therapy, I will never get better.

His goal is now to walk again and he has many people who encourage him.

Last month, fresh from a regional championship victory against Byron Center, the entire Grandville Varsity Hockey Teamstopped by Mary Free BedTo visit Mason.

Then, earlier this week, he had to play Sleed Hockey with a few Grand Rapids Griffins players.

Grand Rapids Griffins players visit Mason Madden on March 19, 2025. (Courtesy Mary Free Bed)
Grand Rapids Griffins players visit Mason Madden on March 19, 2025. (Thanks to Mary Free Bed)

He hopes to be on the ice again soon.

He could play Sleed -Hockey if he is not strong enough to skate again, but the hope is, hopefully he can skate again, Stephanie Madden said.

The journey was far from easy for the Madden family.

We both still worked, so it was difficult, said Stephanie Madden. Everyone asks me, you know, what can we do for you? I said and I always say, can you clone so that I can be in a few different places at the same time? So I can spend time with him, spend time with my other two children and my husband and still work. It's just, it's a lot.

Having Mason at home will relieve some of that stress, but he still has a long way to recovery. That is why the Maddens takes it one day for one and accept themAll supporten route.

Stephanie added: even if you are strong and you don't think you need help, you need help, shape or shape in one way or another.




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