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These teams are the group of Five's Legitimate College Football Playoff opportunities for the 2025 season

These teams are the group of Five's Legitimate College Football Playoff opportunities for the 2025 season



Although the extensive College Football Playoff is not without his mistakes, perhaps the biggest virtue is the fact that access to the group of five guarantees. Although most seasons will be sent to the group of five to just one of the five automatic bids, it is a much better alternative to the four-team format, in which earning teams such as 2017 UCF and 2020 Cincinnati have been left on the road.

It also means that the competition in the group of five is increased and teams really have to raise their play if they want to stand out of 67 other teams that all compete for the same goal.

Boise State did exactly that last year. Not only did the Broncos eligible for the play-off of the University Football, they were one of the four teams that hook a first round by placing a 12-1 record and winning a second consecutive Mountain West Conference title. The Broncos want to bring it back to the field of 12, but there is some heavy competition from all over the country.

With more than five months until the 2025 season starts, and even more time until the CFP selection committee makes its last cutbacks, here is a look at a group of five programs that can insist on the play -off.

Boise State

Boise State should be the opportunities to let it go back in the play-off of the Football College. Boise State came back so far behind Star Run Rent last year and Heisman Trophy finalist Ashton Jeanty, who is now on his way to the NFL As an expected pick in the first round in the April design. While Jeanty leaves a gaping hole on the schedule of Boise State, he is not the only important loss. The Broncos must be loyal stablewarts such as Edge Rusher Ahmed Hassanein and leading wide recipient Camper, who is planning to enter the transfer portal after he initially explained for the NFL Draft.

Nevertheless, a solid core report for third -year coach Spencer Danielson Rends. He compensated for the loss of Jeanty, at least partly by adding the Fresno State Transfer Malik Sherrod, which hurried for 966 Yards and nine touchdowns in 2023. Boise State is also high in the drainage of father Gaines. It also helps the Run game that the Broncos return four of the five attacking line starters, including potential all-American offensive Tackle Kage Casey. Although the reception room undergoes a revision, starting Quarterback Maddux Madsen is back. He will have to take another step if Boise wants to reach his potential, but there is no doubt that this is still a strong team.

Do you want to keep an eye on a potential sleeper? Look no further than James Madison, who is well used to the FBS level since he went from the FCS in 2022. Former coach Curt Cignetti, who just led Indiana to a surprising Playoff play-off from the university, set a high standard with a 19-4 record while he led the Dukes of 2022-23 from 2022-23. New coach Bob Chesney, the replacement of Cignetti, maintained the momentum by going 9-4 in his first year with James Madison. That included a statement 70-50 victory against North Carolina.

James Madison, who struggled a bit as soon as the Sun Belt game started, searches even more in 2025. The Hertogen get the chance to make a serious impression in the Nonconference Lei with a few road races against a probably top-15 team of the preliminary season in Louisville and Liberty. Those victories can resonate when the selection committee makes its last cuts, as long as JMU will handle things in the conference.

Navy caught the attention of the nation in the midst of his 6-0 start of the 2024 season, but an eruption loss for Notre Dame had a lot that Navy had to make a serious postseason push, and setbacks against Rice and Tulane cost them a place in the American Athletic Conference Championship game. Yet the Midshipmen won 10 games and Oklahoma defeated in the struggle of the armed forces to build some momentum into what could be a huge 2025.

Navy returns an overwhelming amount of production of its 2024 team, head by Quarterback Blake Horvath, who received a number of Heisman consideration after counting 30 total touchdowns with 17 hasten. He will lead an attack stacked with striking backs such as Alex Tecza and Eli Heidenreich. Perhaps the most important thing is that Navy returns both coordinators in Drew Cronic, who helped the Middle Tones to develop their best attack in years, and PJ Volker, who last season led the third best scoring defense of the AAC (22.2 points per match).

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Tulane is in an interesting place in the 2025 season. The Green Wave was stripped by NFL Draft Declarations and the Transfer Portal, where they lost the starting Quarterback Darian Mensah (Duke) and 1,000-Yard Rusher Makhi Hughes (Oregon). So Tulane turned to the portal, where it has added 26 new players that are expected to maintain a major role in 2025. This includes three new quarterbacks with a lot of experience in TJ Finley (Western Kentucky), Donovan Leary (Illinois) and Kadin Semonza, the 2024 Mid-American Conference Freshman of the Year of the Year at Ball State.

Even with all that grid turnover it is difficult to count Tulane coach Jon Sumrall. He has never won less than nine games as a head coach, and competing in the AAC gives his green golf a lot of visibility. Tulane also has a stacked non -conference schedule that could stimulate its RSUM. De Green Wave starts the year at home against Northwestern, travel to play a solid South Alabama team in week 2, returns home to host Duke and Mensah in week 3 and then wrap things in week 4 against Ole Miss. In that wingspan, the status of Tulane will strengthen as a real candidate.

UNLV, demonstrably, came one match from the Playoff from College Football last season. The rebels had their chance to steal a bid, but were short of the Mountain West Championship match against BOise State. Then they lost coach Barry Odom, who in his two years in Las Vegas had a record of 19-8, on Purdue. And yet Unlv should be back in the national interview after hiring the Splash of Dan Mullen and his years of SEC head coaching experience.

Mullen made 11 consecutive Postseason performances in Mississippi State and Florida of 2010-2200 and led the Gators to their only SEC championship game since 2016. He will offer an immediate spark for UNLV's attack, who welcomes an impressive Quarterback transfer in Virginia's Anthony. He is the type of playmaker who should thrive under Mullen, and he is also one of the 22 Power Four transfers that will go to Vegas in 2025.




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