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Joao Fonseca beats student ten in Miami | ATP Tour

Joao Fonseca beats student ten in Miami | ATP Tour




Fonseca fights ten, leaves drama in physical miami -opener

The 18-year-old will then be confronted with Humbert

March 21, 2025

Peter Staples/ATP Tour

Joao Fonseca gathered from a set to beat Ten Ten in the opening round of the Miami Open Presented by Itau.
By ATP staff

Joao Fonseca made an electrical debut on the Miami Open presented by Itau on Thursday when he passed the student ten 6-7 (1), 3-6, 6-4 in an exciting opening round collision.

Fonseca and ten showed their contrasting styles and fought through dramatic momentum fluctuations at a hard rock stage, which looked like a home crowd for the Brazilian. The fans of Fonseca proudly waved his name with their Brazilian flags and sang his name while gathering for a physical two -hour victory of 23 minutes.

I knew it would be a difficult match. I knew that the student would fight until the end, he is a great hunter. He knows how to play, he is very smart. So I had to go to the end and I just went hard and the Brazilian crowd was with me today, said Fonseca, who signed the camera lens, am I in Brazil?

Avespective 3-2 in the decision maker with a break advantage, Fonseca stood up of the switch and unexpectedly called the doctor, and chairman referee Mohamed Lahyani told him to feel dizzy and had to vomit. Fonseca took pills from the doctor and after a break of six minutes he continued the game without clear signs of illness.

The late drama took place when Fonseca seemed to suffer from a small cramp on just two points of victory. But the teenager didn't waste time when he closed the game and improved to 3-0 in his Lexus ATP Head2head series with ten, which he beat twice on the 2024 Next Gen ATP Finals presented by PIF, including in the final.

Fonseca came from the blocks that imposed his game on the 19-year-old, tore the felt of the ball behind both wings and earned a break in the opening match. Ten moisture quickly back by absorbing Fonsecas firepower and touching his goals with pin-point accuracy. The resident of California looked like a brick wall in the first set of Tie-Break and jumped to a 6/0 lead while Fonseca committed unusual mistakes.

Ten Double has on back-to-back points in the second set on 1-2, Deuce, which gives Fonseca a break. During the intense collision, the Brazilian opened the court strategically by stretching the Lefty to his backhand before he unleashes powerful forehands and looking for opportunities to move forward. The resident of Rio de Janeiro came 31 times net and converted 22 of those points, according to Infosys ATP statistics.

In the youngest main-draw competition in Miami since 2016 when Alexander Zverev Michael Mmoh defeated in a struggle by the 18-year-olds who hit 43 winners, including 27 from his deadly Forehand.

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I always try to be aggressive with my forehand. When I was younger, I went to my forehand when the important points came and it went directly to the fence, Fonseca said laughing. Now I work a little more to be aggressive and solid at the same time. In the important points I go with my forehand where I have faith. Very happy and proud of myself as I do the hard work at the court.

Fonseca arrived in Miami on a career-high no. 60 in the PIF ATP ranking list after a title run at the ATP Challenger Tour 175 event in Phoenix. With a 21-4 season record at all levels, emphasized by his first title at Tour level in Buenos Aires, Fonseca will then meet the 19th Seed Ugo Humbert, who won his seventh crown on Tour level in Marseille last month.

In other action, colleague #NEXTGENATP player Jakub Mensik Roberto Bautista Agut 6-4, 3-6, 6-1 after hammering 23 Azen and winning 84 percent of his first-general points.

Italians Lorenzo Sonego, Matteo Arnaldi and Luciano Darderi all advanced. Sonego, 29, drove Mariano Navone 7-5, 7-5 to set a second round collision with third seed Taylor Fritz. Arnaldi conquered Wu Yibing 7-6 (3), 4-6, 6-3 while Darderi ran past Pedro Martinez 6-4, 6-1.

Wild Card Coleman Wong beat the German Daniel Altmaier 6-4, 6-3. The inhabitant of Hong Kong will be confronted with the next 13th seed Ben Shelton. Roman Safiullin was a 6-3, 3-6, 6-3 winner against Jenson Brooksby.




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