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Ohio State Women's Hockey goes to the fourth consecutive national champion match, looking for a third title in four years

Ohio State Women's Hockey goes to the fourth consecutive national champion match, looking for a third title in four years



Two goals of the third period of Joy Dunne pushed Ohio State Womens Hockey to a frozen four semi -final victory over Cornell.

A second -year student looking for her second ring, Dunnescord two goals in five minutes on the third period on Friday to send the Buckeyes to their fourth consecutive national title match.

Ohio State defeated Cornell 4-2 in the frozen four semi-finals after the two scores of Dunne broke a 2-2 tiein the last frame. The Buckeyes play for their very first repeated national championship and third national title in four years on Sunday.

Dunne added an assist to her two goals to a total of three points, with Fellowforward Makta Webster tied for a team -high when Webster collected a goal and two assists. Defender Brooke Disher gave the Buckeyes three goal scorers. Goalie Amanda Thiele also played with 27 saves on 29 shots.

It took less than two and a half minutes before Ohio State would show why it is the defensive national champion. Dunne grabbed a pass from fellow prolarts. Webster in a hurry and shot a shot from the stomach of the goalie Annelies Bergmann, but Webster slid in and snipped the rebound along the left skate of Bergmann to put the buckeyes on 1-0.

Four minutes later, Jenna Buglioni applied a rebound and threw a fresh pass to Disher at the top of the left circle, which hit a one-timer to give the Buckeyes a 2-0 lead that held the end of the first period.

Ohio State rode that momentum forward for the most part of the second period, dominated the Scot battle and killed various Cornell opportunities. The Big Red pulled back-to-back Buckeye penaltys, enjoying 3: 30 of successive Power Play Time With 30 seconds of that is a 5-on-3 to still not score a goal.

But 21 seconds after that second penalty was killed, Cornell Lily Delianedis scored while he fell away from Ohio State's goal. Sixty -eight seconds later Kaitlin Jockims stopped a shot in the upper right corner of the net to equalize the Big Red. The score held 2-2 during the second break.

Ohio State opened the third period with zeal and the threw off at a clinical finish of thin when Defendermira Jungaker and Webster assists collected.

Then Dunne added the crown jewel of her night, a diving shot for the net that stabbed a dagger in the Big Red and the final score at 4-2 in combination with the stuffing pressure of the forecheck of Ohio State. The Buckeyes surpass Cornell 39-29 for the game.

Ohio State, the number 2 seed in the NCAA tournament, will playno. 1 Wisconsinin the national championship game. It will be the third consecutive national champion match between the Buckeyes and Badgers Bethe, where Wisconsin wins in 2023 and the state of Ohio will be released in 2024. Puck Drop Isat 4 pm Sunday on ESPNU.




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