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Hasan Nawaz makes century to keep the series alive

Hasan Nawaz makes century to keep the series alive



Opener Hasan Nawaz hit a record-breaking first century on Friday, while Pakistan New Zealand with nine wickets crushed in the third twenty20 to keep the series alive.

After scoring a duck in each of the two opening matches – the first innings of his international career – Nawaz did not recover in Auckland with a stunning 105 while the tourists ran to 207-1 in response to New Zealands 204.

The 23-year-old Ton came from 44 balls, the fastest by every Pakistani player in a T20 international.

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It ensured that his team achieved the goal to save by four full overs, in a grim reversal of form after heavy losses in Christchurch and Dunedin.

Nawaz put his early failures behind him with a sparkling knock with shots around the wicket, including a series of daring slips.

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He admitted that he was worried about his selection views after two failures and thanked Captain Salman Agha and vice-captain Shadab Khan for showing faith in his assets.

The way I came out in the first two games, I was very discouraged, but the captain and Shadab supported me, told me that I am a match extraction player and that helped me, he said.

I wanted to score my first run in international cricket, that was what I thought. After I scored one point, the pressure was released and I wanted to win the game.

The right -handed peppery the short borders of Eden Park with 10 four and seven sixes, which means that the victory with successive celebration of Kyle Jamieson over in the 16th.

The first of those shots brought Nawaz to 100, five balls faster than the previous Pakistan Record -Harden -Babar Azam against South Africa in 2021.

Colleague opener Mohammad Haris scored 41 out of 20 while Captain Salman Agha was unbeaten at 51 discount 31.

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New Zealand Captain Michael Bracewell admitted that they had few answers to Halt Nawaz.

You have to tip your hat to Nawaz there, the way he played was incredible, Bracewell said.

It is quite difficult to defend here, but if a man plays that way, it is really difficult. Earlier, New Zealand looked good after Mark Chapman hit a fast 94 before they were rejected in their last.

Chapman dominated after Nieuw -Zeeland was asked to turn around, with 11 four and four sixes of only 44 balls confronted.

Batsmen struggled the rest of the home side to get started, apart from Bracewells 31.

Experienced Seamer Haris Rauf Bowled Bracewell and ended with the best figures of Pakistans of 3-29.

Game four of the series with five games is on Sunday in Mount Maunganui.




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