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Bo Hines is a former football player who sends the crypto strategy of America

Bo Hines is a former football player who sends the crypto strategy of America



US President Donald Trump speaks while Crypto Tsar David Sacks, the American Minister of Finance Scott Bessent, the American commercial secretary Howard Lutnick, and executive director of the Presidential Council of Advisors for Digital Activa Bo Hines attend the Crypto -Top of the White House in Washington's Washington.

Evelyn Hockstein | Reuters

Bo Hines has no professional background in crypto. He obtained his legal diploma three years ago from Wake Forest. He is twice without success in North Carolina for the congress.

Now the 29-year-old former football player closes his second month as one of the leaders of the crypto agenda of President Donald Trump.

“We are well on our way to welcome the President's promise to welcome in the Golden Age for digital assets,” Hines told CNBC in an interview this week. “And make the United States the crypto capital of the planet.”

Hines repeats a high-level message that Trump has spoken since the decreasing months of his campaign last year, when he became the clear choice of the crypto industry to lead the country. Hines works under former venture capitalist David Sacks, who tapped Trump to be the first White House AI and Crypto Tsar.

Hines said that he and bags “hand in glove” work to re -wip not only the crypto regulations, but to do it quickly.

“The president gave us the authority to do that,” said Hines. “He trusts his advisers.”

Hines played a broad recipient for the North Carolina State football team and said that his interest in digital assets started in 2014, when he played in the Bitpay Sponsg. Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl. NC State defeated the University of Central Florida through a touchdown in the game and Hines caught three passes.

Hines went to Wake Forest to obtain a diploma. He investigated regulatory issues related to crypto and became a retail investor. He then focused his attention on public office and lost campaigns for the congress in 2022 and 2024.

But on the way Hines won the approval of Trump in the 2022 Primary, who called the candidate a “proven winner both on and outside the field” in a press release from his Save America Pac.

At the end of 2024, Hines was tapped by President Trump to lead his advisers' council on digital assets. Now he is instructed to help the National Crypto strategy, to help bags, with a promise to 'move at technical speed'.

Hines said that many of the early work of the group has focused on dismantling what insiders in the industry call 'Operation Choke Point 2.0'. It is how they refer to an alleged performance by old banks at digital activa companies.

“They have been the victim of Lawfare for the past four years,” Hines said, referring to the Biden administration.These are people who do nothing than help our American economy grow. “

Read more about Tech and Crypto from CNBC Pro

On March 24, the group will hit its 60-day milestone and deliver its first series of recommendations. Although Hines was light on details, he viewed a series of ideas that are being considered, from proposals to scrapping and rewriting outdated IRS rules to building a “strategic Bitcoin reserve” via “budget-neutral” purchases.

“We see Bitcoin as digital gold,” he said. “We want as much as possible as we can have for the American people,” he said. “And it will not cost the taxpayer a dime.”

Hines drove one idea from the Bitcoin law introduced by Senator Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., The use of the non-realized value of American gold reserves to acquire crypto.

“There are a lot of creative ways we can go into,” he said.

Hines added that, like bags, he was completely divested from Crypto, although he refused to say whether others would follow in the working group.

“I can only speak for our office,” he said.

Hines said, however, that he is not worried about Trump's own crypto-related financial complications, which could form very clear conflicts of interest. Trump and his family have launched various memecoins, digital collection objects and a still to be launched cryptobank.

“He was concerned with those assets before he took office,” said Hines. The Trump Memecoin was introduced during the inauguration weekend. “He is an American citizen. He has the right to participate in every market he wants.”

Hines praised SEC commissioner Hester Peirce, who was tapped to lead a new Crypto Task Force, as well as leadership in the Futures Trading Commodities Commodities. Regulators are already “on the site that makes changes”, from throwing away lawsuits to rewriting enforcement rules, he said.

He also looks at the congress, where a two -part senate committee recently staged the Stablecoin legislation, a move called “monumental”.

“Stablecoins were able to herald the dominance of the American dollar for the next decades,” he said. “It can change the course of the way our financial markets work.”

WATCH: David Sacks about bringing people from the technical industry to Washington

Taking people from the technical industry to Washington is something positive: Trump's Ai Tsar David Sacks




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