Bob Davis, Kansas Legendary Voice of the Jayhawks is leaving

Lawrence, over. Bob Davis, the legendary “voice of the Jayhawks” has died for more than 30 years, at the age of 80, his family announced on Friday.
Davis is survived by his son, Steven, daughter -in -law Katie and grandchildren Landon, Will, Millie and Hattie. He was preceded in death by his wife, Linda, who died on March 13, 2025 in Lawrence. Bob and Linda were married for 53 years. Bob died on Thursday 20 March.
Davis, who started his KU career in 1984 and retired in 2016, was on the microphone for some of the most iconic moments in the Athletics History of Kansas.
“Bob Davis is synonymous with Kansas Athletics for generations of fans, who grew up listening to his phone calls from some of the most important moments in KU's history,” Director of Athletics Travis Goff said. “Bob's love and passion of the Jayhawks shone during the broadcast with his beloved radio partners. For more than three decades, Bob Kansas Athletics represented in an exemplary way and connected Jayhawk fans everywhere with his famous One-Liners and detailed stories.
“We send our deepest love and prayers to his family and will be grateful for his service to KU.”
In the spring of 1984, Davis was hired as the “Voice of the Jayhawks” where he would work with Max Falkenstein in the employment cabin. The voice of Davis is the soundtrack of many of the most memorable games of KU, because he called eight Jayhawk -trips to the last four, six KU Football Bowl matches, including the Orange Bowl 2008 and thousands of regular seasonal basketball and football games before his retirement in the spring of the Spring.
Davis was also on the call for the victories of the National Championship of 1988 and 2008.
“We lost a KU legend in Bob Davis, who for decades was the voice of the Jayhawks,” Coach of Kansas Bill itself said. “Bob was not only superior in his profession, but he was also a great, modest and selfless person who gave so many of himself so many of himself. Our hearts go to the whole family, especially with his great wife Linda who passed last week.”
Davis also organized weekly coaches as the voice of the Jayhawks, including hosting with KU basketball coaches Larry Brown, Roy Williams and self-and-football coaches, including Glen Mason and Mark Mangino. For more than three decades, Davis had been embedded with KU's teams, the standing of lifelong relationships with coaches and student athletes. He proudly collaborated with Falkenstein and basketball analysts Chris Piper and Greg Gurley And David Lawrence from football.
“Bob's distinctive and enthusiastic voice served for decades as a soundtrack for Kansas teams,” said Mangino. “He was a good friend and pleasure to be in the neighborhood. Our players and coaches loved Bob and enjoyed his calls on highlights.”
A 48-year-old veteran of broadcast in the state of Kansas, Davis was born in Iola and grew up in Topeka, where he graduated from the Topeka West High School in 1962. Davis stayed in Topeka to attend Washburn, where he graduated in 1967 with a diploma in history.
Davis launched his legendary temporary employment career the following year in 1968 then
Rented by Kays in Hays, Kansas and started his temporary employment career in the summer of 1968 and called American Legion Baseball. He was the Play-by-Play voice of the Fort Hays State Tigers until 1984, his term of office with the Naia National Championship of 1984 won by the BHSU men's basketball team.
In addition to his KU-Rol, Davis called the NCAA Women's Basketball Final Four for CBS Radio six times in 1990, 1992 and 1994-97. Davis also joined the Kansas City Royals in 1997 and called games for radio and television for the franchise for 16 years.
Davis earned countless praises for his work. In 2015, he was named the Kansas Sportscaster of the Year by the National Sports Scasters and Sports Writers Association, with which he marked the 4th time that he had earned the honor since 1975. Davis was also named two -time recipient of the Oscar Stauffer Sports Association Award) in5.
Davis was named various Hall of Fames, including:
Fort Hays State Tiger Athletics Hall of Fame (1990)
Kansas Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame (2006)
Topeka West HS Graduates Hall of Fame (2011)
Topeka-Shawnee County Baseball Hall of Fame (2016)
Kansas Sports Hall of Fame (2016)
Hays HS Athletics Hall of Fame (2024)
What they say about Bob Davis
Roy Williams (basketball coach for men from 1988-2003)
“Bob Davis was a fantastic announcer and loved Ku. I was a new coach and he helped me enormously. He put the bar for everyone I worked with later. He is a KU giant.”
Glen Mason (football coach from 1988-96)
“With sorrow I lost a colleague and a dear friend. I met Bob on my first day at KU. The next 10 years he was a constant in my professional life. He was the same if we were not very good until we were a top 10 team. A real professional and always a total gentleman. I will miss him very much.”
David Lawrence (Kansas Football -broadcaster since 1995)
“For 32 years Bob Jayhawk Nation has held on with his humor, voice and flawless timing. Although we will miss the physical presence of our friend. His iconic radio calls will still bring the goose bumps and live in our mind forever.”
Greg Gurley (Basketball color analyst for men since 2012)
“I will always cherish my time that spent with Bob. He has made a difficult job so easy and natural. It was an honor and a privilege to work with him. His effortless delivery and humor was made specially made. He was such an important influence on my life as a player, broadcaster and man. We have lost an iconic Jayhawk.
Chris Piper (Men's basketball color analyst of 2006-11)
“I have always had this vision of Bob setting in the kitchen that played by playing when his beloved wife Linda made him breakfast. He had that thriving voice and incredible humor that made him unique. We had a lot of fun doing games and I know that the Jayhawk -Natation lost one of the big ones.”
Bob Newton (Jayhawk Radio Network Producer/Engineer for all 32 years with Bob Davis)
“Bob was a perfect professional. I never knew him that he was not prepared for a broadcast. He did not have a big ego and he never failed to make us laugh. He had a great relationship with his audience, and he was highly respected by the coaches he treated and other sports.”
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