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Gardner excluded the tour of Nieuw -Zeeland, Knott called in

Gardner excluded the tour of Nieuw -Zeeland, Knott called in



Uninsured Queensland Allrounder earns the call from First Australia after the injury of Ashleigh Gardner

Ashleigh Gardner is excluded from the rest of the T20i tour of Australia by New -Zeeland with a finger injury, with non -covered Brisbane Heat and Queensland all -rounder Charli Knott called in as cover.

Gardner immediately left the field after she was beaten on the right index finger while trying to hold on to a powerfully beaten return of Sophie Devine during the 17th over from the first T20i of Friday in Auckland.

Gardner leaves field after finger bladder

The all -rounder was taken for scans, which confirmed that she had broken her right index finger. Gardner will also have scans and ask for specialist advice on her return to Sydney.

Gardner served as vice-captain of Tahlia McGrath during this Tour, with the representative for Sunday's second T20i to be confirmed.

Colleague off-spin Bowling Allrounder Knott was called in a team of Australia for the first time after a striking summer with bat and ball.

The 22-year-old was the fourth highest Run scorer in the Women's National Cricket League season 2024-25 and scored 542 runs on 54.2 Batting at number 3, including her first WNCL Century a Match-winning 110 against South Australia in the Adelaide Oval.

No player from Queensland has scored more points in a single WNCL season, and she was just the second firefighter after Georgia Redmayne to pass the 500-Run Mark.

She supported her Batting form with 12 wickets on 28.66 and completed her strongest all-round season in the domestic one-day tournament so far.

It followed a Weber WBBL | 10 -Campaign in which Knott scored 187 points and took six wickets who played for Brisbane Heat.

In these versions, Knott called in the Australia a team to play England A for the Multi-Format series that started next week in Sydney, with the right-handed one who is now again at that 'A' group after the third T20i on Wednesday against New Zealand in Wellington.

The second T20i will be played on Sunday in Tauranga's Bay Oval, with Knott because of the Australian team on Saturday.

Alana King is the likely replacement for Gardner in the Australia XI, after the leg spinner was a surprising omission for Friday after her main show in the Multi-Format AS.

Knott will join Nicole Faltum, the two non -help players in the Australian team.

Australia will try to seal a series victory in the second T20i on Sunday after having the white ferns with eight wickets in the opener.

Speaking after her competition -winning 75, said Beth Moeney said there was still room for improvement.

“I think if we are really critical, we will probably let a few runs go at the back in the field, only a few unusual misfers and things like that,” said Moeney.

“(We were) getting used to the circumstances that did not play here was perhaps a bit of a factor, but we like to play on Mount Maunganui, so that will really be a nice ground to play.”

Comm Bank T20i Tour by Nieuw -Zeeland

Australia T20 Squad: Tahlia McGrath (C), Darcie Brown, Nicole Faltum, Kim Garth, Grace Harris, Alana King, Charli Knott, Phoebe Litchfield, Beth Moeney, Elly Perry, Megan Schutt, Annabel Sutherland, Georgia Warham

New -Zeeland T20 Squad: Suzie Bates (C), Eden Carson, Sophie Devine, Maddy Green, Brooke Halliday, Polly Inglis, Bella James, Fran Jonas, Jess Kerr, Melie Kerr, Rosemary Mair, Georgia Plimmer, Lea Tahuhu

First T20 | Australia won by eight wickets

Second T20 | March 23: Bay Oval, Tauranga

Third T20 | March 26: Sky Stadium, Wellington

All games start at 12.45 pm AEDT, 2.45 pm NZDT and are broadcast live on Foxtel and You sport




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