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Bill Ackman and Novak Djokovic Show Big Tennis No Love

Bill Ackman and Novak Djokovic Show Big Tennis No Love



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Organizers of the US Open Tennis Championship Last year, more than 500,000 of their characteristic cocktail, Honey Deuce. For $ 23 per glass the drink baked $ 13 million. The man and Womens champions of the New York City event, on the other hand, took home a combined prize money of just $ 7 million.

For Bill Ackman and Novak Djokovic, that gorge is a problem that is worth an American federal lawsuit. The couple a hedge fund manager and the other A tennis champion are friends, cultural war opponents and partners in the Professional Tennis Players Association, a new-like group that claims to stand up for players. It recently claims that tennis stars are harmed by an antitrust -entry among the Power Brokers of Games.

Sport is not like other industries when it comes to market forces. Economists, legislators and courts have discovered that limiting the competition to limit the number of competitions actually increases the cake. In winner-takes-all Showdowns increases as many players as possible who may compete dramatic tension, fan interest and advertising income.

The result is indeed a huge cake. But the actual competitors who think the players are not large enough. Labor disputes between talent on the field and the suits that organize the competitions are commonplace. The enormous fortunes that are now being beaten by television rights have only wondered the gladiators why they are not richer.

The PTPA says in its lawsuit that prize money for professional tennis players only produces one fifth of the gross income. In large team sports such as American football and basketball, the players together negotiated about half of the turnover. That is particularly hard for tennis players, who, as individuals instead of players in a team, each bear their own training and travel costs. Their season also lasts 11 months, because it follows the sun all over the world.

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There is no clear favorite in this antitrust fight. Admittedly, the $ 186 million from the total prize money earned by Djokovic is exceptional. Only the top players deserve a good life, and that, while they risk constant injury. That said, the ATP, which supervises the professional human game, claims large bonuspools, minimum profits for even medium-sized athletes and financial transparency have become the norm.

It may come down to views about what counts for players. In recent years, Singles players who were eliminated in the first round still received a healthy $ 100,000. The total gross wallet for the tournament was a record -breaking $ 75 million. Ackman was used to throw around large numbers and cause a ruckus; Djokovic is better at coming up as the winner. The case will be an intriguing test of whether the two, with very different backgrounds, work as double partners.




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