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Rego Nets Overtime -winner, sends men's hockey to Ecac Hockey Championship Game

Rego Nets Overtime -winner, sends men's hockey to Ecac Hockey Championship Game



Lake Placid, Ny Cornell Senior Defender Tim Regos Goal at 14:39 of the overtime hours pushed the no. 6-ranked Big Red (17-10-6) to a 3-2 victory over the No. 12-ranges and best placed Quinnipiac (24-11-2) (24-11-2) in the semi-finals of the Ecac Men's Hockey Championship on Friday afternoon in the Free Departure afternoon Congress championship in the conference championship.

Senior Vooruit Kyler Kovich Scored the game-Tying goal, a short-handed marker, with 1:39 left, shot a shot from the goal line that slid between the legs of Quinnipiac second-year goalkeeper Matej Marinov.

Participating in Rego and Kovich in scoring for Cornell was a second -year attacker Jonathan Castagnawho resulted in a power play goal in the first period. Senior goalkeeper Ian Shane Recorded 22 saves between the pipes for the Big Red. Second -year student Ryan Walsh Also had a multi-point night, and assisted with both Power-Play goals from Cornell alongside Rego, who had a goal and an assist.

Andon Cerbone and Chris Pelosi found the back of the net before Quinnipiac, who received a 19-save version from Marinov.

After both teams had combined for nine shots on goal during the first 18 and a half minutes, Cornell took over a 1-0 lead with only 4.9 seconds when Castagna scored a Power-Play goal during a scramble for the net. The goal marked the 16th career goal of Castagna and his first while Cornell was on the Power Play.

Quinnipiac tied the game with 5:51 in the second period, only five seconds in their second Power-Play opportunity. Cerbone tapped on a loose puck on the left post after an attack zone -Faceoff -victory of Travis Treloar, where the Puck was pulled over Shane's shoulder.

With 5:20 in the third period, Quinnipiac took the lead when Pelosi fired a shot at the top of the net while Shane was extended in his fold, a desperate salvation.

After winning a defensive faceoff zone because of an interference boost against the Big Red, Kovich De Puck grabbed the puck in the neutral zone, skated along the left side of the boards and took a shot at Marinov. The Quinnipiac -target defender was overwhelmed when the puck slipped between his legs and the game bond with 1:39 left in regulations.

A cutting penalty against Quinnipiac with less than seven minutes in the first extension Cornell gave a man benefit. After a struggle for the puck in the corner, Walsh appeared with it and delivered a pass to Junior Forward Dalton BancroftThose Rego's Game-winning One-Timer goal set up from the bottom of the nearby face circle.

Game notes

Friday was the 55th meeting between Cornell and Quinnipiac, because the Big Red increased the lead in the all-time series to 28-21-6.

The Big Red is now unbeaten in the last three games against the Bobcats (1-0-2), the longest string without a loss against Quinnipiac since winning five consecutive games between January 14, 2017 and March 10, 2018.

It was the 15th time that Cornell and Quinnipiac had met in an late season and the 14th time they played in the Ecac Hockey Championship. The Big Red has won the last three Playoff matches and his winners of three of the previous four postseason -matchups.

With Friday's victory, Cornell won his last eight games in the ECAC Hockey Championship, the second longest profit track in the play-offs of the conference in the program history, with a 13-game win-streak that spanned between March 7, 1967 and March 9, 1971.

Longest winning streaks in Ecac Hockey Championship
Cornell -Programming History

13 matches, March 7, 1967 March 9, 1971
8 competitions, March 15, 2024 – Present

7 matches, March 11, 2005 17 March 2006
6 matches, March 10, 1979 March 13, 1981
5 competitions, March 14, 2003 12 March 2004
5 matches, March 12, 2010 11 March 2011

Cornell registered his first overtime victory in a postseason match since the report of Union, 2-1, in the opening round of the 2016 ECAC Men's Hockey Championship on Lynah Rink.

Kovich's short -handed goal leaves Cornell's second consecutive match with a short -handed goal in the third period. The last time that The Big Red has scored short -handed goals in successive games was Mitch Carefoot (9 February 2007, at Union) and Mark McCutcheon (10 February 2007, on RPI). It is the seventh time that the performance has been achieved under Mike Schafer '86The term of office as head coach of the Big Red.

Successive matches with short -handed goals
Mike Schafer '86 Era (since 1995-96)

1995-96 Matt Cooney (24 February 1996, USA RPI) & Brad Chartrand (March 1, 1996, in Clarkson)
1995-96 Mike Sanimino (8 March 1996, USA Colgate) & Geoff Lopatka (9 March 1996, USA Colgate & 15 March 1996, USA clarkson)
1998-99 Frank Kovac (November 24, 1998, in Northeastern) & Jeff Burgoyne (28 November 1998, USA Colgate)
2001-02 Doug Murray (8 March 2002, USA) & Travis Bell (9 March 2002 vs. Yale)
2004-05 Mike Iggulden (11 February 2005, in Princeton; 12 February 2005 in Yale)
2006-07 Mitch Carefoot (9 February 2007, at Union) & Mark McCutcheon (10 February 2007, on RPI)
2024-25 Dalton Bancroft (March 15, 2025, in Colgate) & Kyler Kovich (March 21, 2025, vs. Quinnipiac)

With his 22-save version, Shane increased his career-total to 2,241, as a result of which Brian Hayward (2,225) and Corrie d'Alessio (2,228) surpassed the fifth of all time in Cornell program history.

Goalkeepers with 2,000 saves
Cornell -Programming History

1. Andy Iles (2010-14) 2,988 Saves
2. Ben Scrivens (2006-10) 2,872 Saves
3. Jason Elliott (1994-98) 2,462 Saves
4. Mitch Gillam (2013-17) 2,403 Saves
5. Ian Shane (2021-present) 2,241 Saves

6. Corrie d'Alessio (1987-91) 2,228 Saves
7. Brian Hayward (1978-82) 2,225 Saves
8. David McKee (2003-06) 2,208 Saves
9. Darren Eliot (1979-83) 2,143 Saves
10. Matt Underhill (1998-02) 2.052 Saves


Cornell returns to Rink Herb Brooks Arena on Saturday evening to go on a second placed and no. 18-ranked Clarkson (24-11-3) in the champion match of the ECAC Hen's Hockey Championship 2025.

The ECAC Hockey Championship Game has a Puck drop from 5 pm and is broadcast on ESPN+ and transferred the air waves on WHCU (870 AM, 97.7 FM,

It will be the seventh time that Cornell Clarkson will play in a championship environment, which played in the final of the Ecac Hockey Championships 1966, 1970, 1986, 1997 and 2019. Cornell also defeated Clarkson, 6-4, in Jack Shea Arena (now the Rink 1932) in Lake.




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