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Three observations by Germanys Valiant 2-1 victories over Italy

Three observations by Germanys Valiant 2-1 victories over Italy



Walk into the Nations League Quarter -finals As the underdogs, there are too many expectations from Germany. The team were about to see Italy in the San Siro, including the latter a better track record. What followed, however, was a game of two halves where the Germans, although thoroughly surpassed in the first half, came to the occasion in the second half and walked home with a deserved 2-1 win.

Here are our observations from this game.

Property numbers are meaningless and here is why

In the first half, Germany saw a majority of possession holding around 60%, but that was the worst half. They lost the ball to an aggressive and not deterred Italy who wanted to spell them as quickly as possible. The counterattacks orchestrated by Nicolo Barella were much better than what the Germans did. Admittedly, the Italians were facilitated in their activities by the German defense that made more mistakes than they could repair.

A sharp contrast was the second half. The Germans, although with possession numbers at almost level, simply did more with the ball. More chances were created and they were more enthusiastic about scoring and handling the game. The Germans finally gave Gianluigi Donnarumma some work while making several critical saves. The patience and the care that was built in the second half by the Germans was commendable. They no longer seemed to let the ball go. This has paid off in two exceptional goals. ErgoIf you just went out of possession numbers, this game would not make sense.

Attack Matters

The attackers in the first half were Center-Forward Jonathan Burkardt and Nadiem Amiri and Leroy Sane on the wings and Jamal Musiala in the attacking midfield. Of course the formations were determined in stone, while the players constantly deviate from these positions.

The first half, as mentioned earlier, was not very good for the Germans. The attack was isolated from the rest of the team by a ruthless Italian midfield defense. The will of Amiri and Burkardt had no impact whatsoever, and for the most part they seemed no idea and perplex. Musiala was heavily marked by at least two blue shirts at a certain time and despite his brave efforts to break through, he just couldn't. Sane, despite the quality of being able to handle a team like Italy, hardly made any progress.

The second half saw Manager Julian Nagelsmann no time wasting time when removing the underperformers, while Burkardt was immersed for Tim Kleindienst and the defense saw the replacement of an unfortunate David Raum for Nico Schlotterbeck. Kleindienst was quickly in the game, while the Gladbach man scored on his very first touch. This was the result of a carefully thoughtful and well -oriented piece of attacks and a fantastic cross in by Joshua Kimmich. The second half also saw the arrival of Jamie Leweling for Amiri and Karim Adeyemi for Sane, who both made a good part of attempts, but not of any real meaning.

On the subject of set pieces it is remarkable that Germany, related to Bayern Munich, looked more enthusiastic about winning corners than they actually use productively.

(Interesting point is that Italy was just as bad in set pieces completely unorganized and uncoordinated, but that is besides the point.)

Each set taken by Joshua Kimmich or David Raum was just wasted despite the fact that all the staff score. Germany had the fortune of free Trapp positions that were straight outside the frameworks, but she blew it.

All criticisms aside, the second goal ended of a corner kick. This was the result of a photo-perfect angle in it by Kimmich, and with a little help from Leon Goretzka the ball was served in it. This corner alone is perhaps enough to pay for the various other sloppy set pieces.

All in all, the second half contained much better staff that it earns in future games in the starting XI.

The revival of Leon Goretzka

Goretzka is a subject of criticism where he also goes. After receiving a surprising call back to the national team, all eyes were aimed at the midfielder. The fans (including the author) swarmed around him as Eagles who waited to tear him fragments. However, he may have proven completely incorrectly. Against Italy, Goretzka was a reborn clinical, targeted man and a few mistakes and retained a diabolical miss in the 68th minute), he was the better man in midfield compared to Pascal Gross. If someone ignores his various mistakes from the first 20 minutes, this was a really good game for him.

Some different instructions

  • The defense urgently needs more work. Antonio Rudiger and later Nico Schlotterbeck were the only players who knew what they were doing. Jonathan Tah and David Raum looked miserable.
  • Oliver Baumann and his superman-like saves save Germany from what could be a much worse result.
  • Germany desperately misses people like Niclas Fullkrug and Florian Wirtz in attack.
  • Italy liked to play dirty and did not receive that many mistakes. Interesting.
  • If this game Italys had gone, Nicolo Barella Motm would have been. This is something for Bayern to note while they are the quarterfinals of the Champions League in return for Inter Milan.




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