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David Goffin Storte Carlos Alcaraz with astonishing Miami Comeback | ATP Tour

David Goffin Storte Carlos Alcaraz with astonishing Miami Comeback | ATP Tour




Goffin disturbs Alcaraz with astonishing comeback in Miami

Belgian records third consecutive victory against top 3 opponents in PIF ATP ranking

March 22, 2025

Peter Staples/ATP Tour

David Goffin is celebrating his second career victory at Carlos Alcaraz.
By ATP staff

David Goffin handed Carlos Alcaraz his second straight defeat with a beautiful comeback Friday evening in the Miami Open presented by Itau. The 34-year-old Belgian showed class and veteran-Kalmte in a 5-7, 6-4, 6-3 victory, which means that the second seed pays for an error with an error reduction at the ATP Masters 1000 event.

Goffin, who has now achieved three consecutive victories against top 3 players, improved to 2-1 in his Lexus ATP Head2head series against Alcaraz, 13 years his junior, with the upset. He previously beat the 21-year-old in Astana in 2022 and World No. 3 Alexander Zverev last October in Shanghai.

“It feels great. Sometimes some competitions are difficult and you have to fight, like the first round, and you are happy that you have such a second round in a stadium,” said Goffin, who also came from a set to beat Aleksandar Vukic in his Miami opener. “That's why I keep playing tennis, to have that kind of match in a stadium, to play tennis well.

“[I was] Just try to enjoy the moment … I felt that I was physically ready to fight and then I felt the ball really good, so it's the kind of night you feel great and you are happy to fight, you enjoy every point and at the end it is a perfect end with a great match point. It was great. “

Goffin has been on for the first time since 2019 to the third round of Miami, after he has become the first man to defeat a top two seed in the opening round of the event since David Ferrer Zverev defeated that same year. He is also the first player outside the top 30 in the PIF ATP ranking list to beat Alcaraz this season.

The Belgian led by a break in all three sets and made his benefit in the second and third. Content to occasionally compensate against the superior power of his opponent, Goffin professionally chose his spots to attack and repeatedly left Alcaraz stranded on the net while he turned the game.

“I think it was the key to be aggressive of the return, especially in his second service,” said Goffin, who won 45 percent (15/33) of his second servant return points. “Sometimes he touches the target on the first serve and you can't do anything. The key was, even if I missed it, I had to be aggressive. Because otherwise, if I am just too passive, he has his forehand or … he has everything. If you are too passive, then you're dead.”

Goffin won 17 of his 24 net points, according to Infosys ATP statistics, while Alcaraz 43 committed casual mistakes – including 28 in the Forehand Wing that also abandoned him against Draper in Indian Wells.

It's all true

Goffin will then compete against the American Brandon Nakashima, the No. 32 in the PIF ATP ranking, on Sunday after 6-4, 4-6, 6-3 results from the American against Roberto Carballes Baena.

With the defeat, the hope of Alcaraz became to return to No. 2 in the PIF ATP ranking list after the tournament. The Miami champion from 2022 had to win this year's title and leave the Zverev early to pass the German for World Nr.




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