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“India will suffer more financial loss …”: the warning from Pakistan Cricket Board after Champions Trophy 2025

“India will suffer more financial loss …”: the warning from Pakistan Cricket Board after Champions Trophy 2025




File photo of an India versus Pakistan cricket match© AFP

After the Champions trophy had finished, various reports claimed that Pakistan – the hosts of the tournament were dealing with a serious loss. On Thursday, however, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) placed a brave front and is claimed to earn approximately USD 10 million as a profit by organizing the Champions trophy, where the Indian team champion was released. PCB spokesperson Aamir Mir and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Javed Murtaza even financial loss in the Indian media the future.

“Alle besluitvorming wordt gedaan door ICC. Als India heeft geprobeerd Pakistan te schaden, dan kan ik u vertellen dat u ook de prijs betaalt. U weet dat India versus Pakistan verkoopt als hot cakes. U weet dat Pakistan de komende drie jaar niet naar India zal reizen. Dus als Pakistan financieel verlies zal lijden, zal India meer financieel verlies lijden met Pakistan die niet naar India reist,” PCB SpokeAls, in een in een AAM-MIRD press conference.

Prior to the ICC Champions Trophy 2025, there was enormous confusion about the location, where India refused to travel to Pakistan. After months of delay, the International Cricket Council (ICC) finally officially declared the locations for the Elite event. “ICC Men's Champions Trophy 2025 to be played in Pakistan and a neutral location,” said the ICC in a statement. It meant that India played his matches in Dubai. In another important decision, the world organ led by Jay Shah stated that all India versus Pakistan cricket matches in ICC events, organized by the two countries, will be played at neutral locations until 2027.

The 'compromise' on the part of the ICC means that the Indian cricket team must move from its own country for the first time to play Pakistan in an ICC event, even though it is the host or fellow guest. For a country that has a cricket-power home, that can hurt.

India and Pakistan have now only played each other in ICC or Asian Cricket Council (ACC) events in more than ten years. In this duration, when Pakistan has organized an ICC or ACC event, India did not travel to the country and played his games at a neutral location.

India toured Pakistan for a bilateral series in 2005-06 for the last time. Pakistan toured India for the last time for a bilateral series in 2012-13.

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