For the Indian TT to go higher, it is crucial that we have a clear structure

Mumbai: Twenty -two years after playing professional table tennis, Sharath Kamal realized that the time in October had come the plug during the Asian championships. I felt no man, I'm ready. I can't do this anymore.

Not because the five -fold Olympian, whose lifespan delivered him the Commonwealth Games, applied in 2006 and 2022 and several CWG and two Asian game media delivered, stopped enjoying it. I thought if I didn't take that step, I might miss the bus to offer much more in my next role to support the next generation of players.
While the most decorated Indian Paddler is preparing for his home bonus at the WTT -Star -star Chennai next week, he talks about how he saw Indian TT during his long journey and what should be done to bring it to the next level.
What about your career, are you most proud of?
I was really proud of the second phase of my career. There was a time, around the Rio Games 2016, when I was considering stopping. Pure because of age. But then the second part was much stronger than the first part. The phase from 2017 to the beginning of 2024 I reached new heights. Year after year I kept going higher, without knowing where my top was.
From the moment you started in 2002 until now, what is the biggest difference in Indian TT?
Oh ok! Firstly, India was 36 in the World (team) rankings. We made top 8 not so long ago and are currently 11th. We have become much more professional. Earlier we were very amateurish for a long period. Training were also a lot more professional. Earlier I had to move to Europe, there was no other option. Was now able to stay in India herself.
There was a perception struggle for Indian TT when you started. Are you almost jealous that it is not the case now?
More than jealous, I am happy that I could still be relevant at the age of today. If I had stopped six years ago, I would have the feeling, I wish this was there in my time. But I come from a stage where there was nothing at all, now a lot. It is nice to see where the sport was reached, where I wanted it to be when I was young. And I am glad that I was one of the main reasons to be in that place.
Indian paddlers now receive much more support. Do you think you would have been a better player if you had that before?
Hard to say. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Have no things, maybe that hunger drives you anymore. Of course I am happy that the younger children receive that support now.
Yet Indian TT has not seen a young paddler significant steps in the WTT circuit. You were still not so long ago India No. 1.
I can't put down my own boys, first thing. And secondly, I think I have deserved the place lawfully. So, to say that they have not improved, more than I feel that I have always remained relevant.
What should Indian TT generally do to go a step higher?
A clear structure. With the sources we have now, we do our best. To even climb a step higher, it is crucial that we have a clear system. We can't just leave it to chance, oh, we hope that there will come another man who can lead the peloton and do it well.
And do you want to be part of that system?
Naturally. Not through coaching as such, but I can contribute to the policy side of things. I learned a lot, especially by being in Europe and their professional circuit. I will try to get that professionalism in the Indian system, the federation and the training processes. I give myself some time. My goal is 2032.
If you see a talented young child, what would you be advice?
More than advising, I have to learn how to deal with such talents and situations to help them feed. And hopefully they will not only follow my path, but continue. The thing is, the Olympic medal is not in my cabinet. I hope someone can fill that emptiness.
How much was that Olympic medal a realistic dream for you?
Look, when I started playing, winning an Olympic medal was very far away. The goal was of course always to win one. But in reality we were very far away. Now we come to a position where a few good days, and it is possible to win that medal. One day I hope that will happen.
What is the legacy that you hope to have left in the Indian TT?
The conviction that if Sharath could do this, we can do all that. And the path to the top. When I was young, every senior I spoke to said that being a top 100 player would be a good performance. Now for younger children, purely qualification for large events is no longer a target. It is further than that: how do we make the semi -final, win a medal.
How did you see TT evolving during these two and a half decades?
Sports science was the biggest change. It helped me better to understand myself in a larger perspective. The training ID that was done in Germany for 7-8 years came into play. I had done the basics, and then with the help of sports science and keeping myself fit and have a good team, I was able to scales higher. I had to adjust to stay relevant at the top. Even the other players such as Halseet (Desai) and Sathiyan were surprised that I could adapt to the changing times. Like taking the ball earlier and moving faster, because the game became very fast. But when I look at myself and my lifespan, the most important thing is that I have kept my game very simple and the technical part solid. I am not too complicated the game.
The most cherished moments in your career …
Those between Tokyo Olympics 2021 and Commonwealth Games 2022. That period, where I was exactly at the top of my career, was phenomenal.
And someone you would like to forget …
The times I felt like stopping. But I'm glad I didn't listen to myself then (smiles).
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