Ohio State Football's first week of spring training: how well can CJ Hicks be?

Columbus, Ohio Ohio State Football is approaching the end of the first week of spring practice, and reasonable conclusions can be drawn.
Julian Sayin remains the favorite to win the Quarterback competition. CJ Donaldson seems ready to keep a major role in the decline. Caleb Downs and Jeremiah Smith look like stars.
Would it be one from the state from Ohio out of season if all the responses were reasonable?
The first week of spring practice has given insight into the schedule of 2025, creating land for daring predictions.
Here are our overspring for the end of March that (perhaps, possibly) can prove to be where.
CJ Hicks will lead Ohio State in bags
Ohio State has finally made a move that many have asked for. CJ Hicks has moved from Linebacker to Defense -end.
It will lead to a Breakout season. Hicks could lead the buckeyes in bags.
Linebackers -Coach James Laurinaitis called Hicks his best Blitzer last year, and he ended with two bags on 151 defending Snaps.
Kenyatta Jackson and Caden Curry will probably hold the starting places to the defensive end, but the versatility of Hicks will make him an intriguing piece.
Perhaps the new defensive coordinator Matt Patricia can finally use the former potential of five stars.
Jermaine Mathews will be the X-Factor on defense

Jermaine Mathews is entering his junior season with Ohio State Football.Getty images
Jordan Hancock was not Ohio, the best defensive player in 2024, but he could have been labeled as the X-Factor. As a nickelback he offered a level of versatility that few could match.
Jermaine Mathews will be that guy in 2025.
Mathews is expected to start at Cornerback, but he was the second team nickelback during an open session of exercise on Wednesday.
As a second -year student Aaron Scott or first -year student Devin Sanchez appear when one of Ohio says three best cornerbacks, they can take the field in Nickel Look with Mathews in the gambling hood.
With a secondary that already contains a versatile downs, Mathews can add a different level of danger.
Ian Moore starts with the right Tackle
The Buckeyes used the transfer portal to tackle the tackle, with Ethan Onianwa by Rice and Phillip Daniels from Minnesota.
Neither of them was on the starting offensive line this week during two open practice sessions.
Instead, Austin Siereveld who probably works to add Tackle to his arsenal after he had already proven that his value on the guard was the left tackle while Ian Moore was on the right tackle.
What if Moore solidifies there?
Daniels has more experience after starting four games at the position for Minnesota last year, but Moore is a former prospect of the Top-200 that might make a leap on his way to his second season.
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