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Ridders firing does not enable England to plan Captain Follow -up | England Ladies Cricket -Team

Ridders firing does not enable England to plan Captain Follow -up | England Ladies Cricket -Team



They say in Cricket that they bring two: something that has been true in the case of the review of England and Wales Cricket Boards. On Friday, Jon Lewis was fired as head coach and 24 hours later Heather Knight followed him out.

A major change required with 16-0 error-sensed and the ECB has certainly delivered that score. Lewis was always unlikely that he survived after his notorious Bondi-To-Coogee interview, in which he blamed the defeat of Sunnias Sunnier Climes, made him a joke. But Firing Knight is a much more radical step a recognition that, despite the insistence of the opposite of Clare Connor, the director of Womens Cricket, the ECBS assessment has indeed discovered evidence of poor team culture. Why would they otherwise put an end to knights who rule at a point that she is only 15 months old from fulfilling her long -term ambition to lead her country in a T20 World Cup in Home?

And so a nine -year -old captain of the captain (will a future captain of England ladies will repeat that performance?) To a shameful end. Recent bad results aside, knights are big shoes to fill. After her first series at the helm, against Pakistan in July 2016, she told me that the worst part of being captain was towed to do media and could not immediately enjoy the celebrations.

From that first restraint, she grew into one of the best proponents of ladies, as vice-chairman of the Professional Cricketers Association and as part of the Federation of International Cricketers Association Player Advisory Group, who expressed the issues of equal wages to more women's tests. And of course there was that one unforgettable day at Lords when England triumphed in the 2017 World Cup final.

The heavyweight status of knights has been such that the ECB has constantly circumvented the issue of follow -up planning. There are no candidates to be the English captain who are: a) guaranteed a place in all three formats that Charlie Dean, Tammy Beaumont and Kate Cross excludes; b) wants to exclude the track that Amy Jones and Danni Wyatt-Hodge exclude; and c) have shown that they can process the responsibility and pressure that is accompanied by the role that excludes the official deputy from Knights, wet sciver brunt. The fact that Sciver-Brunt retained the Vice-Captainincy, even after supervising a total breakdown of team biscipline during the 2022 Commonwealth games, shows how long England has exploded the follow-up problem.

Nat Sciver-Brunt was the official deputy of Heather Knights as a vice-captain, but the results did not go well when she led the team in the Commonwealth Games 2022. Photo: James Ross/AAP

This wider failed under the leadership team to make difficult phone calls, now comes home in the worst possible time. England can probably say goodbye to any opportunities to lift 50-over World Cup in India this year, but there is a bigger problem that looms up on the horizon. The ECB is on that Home T20 World Cup to attract record Mensite, visibility and legacies for the women's game. And yet with 15 months to go, England becomes motionless and as Kate Cross has admitted that he recently lost the fans. Without some quick action, it could prove a disaster for which the ECB would only be blamed.

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Where does England go from here? There is an obvious candidate to succeed Lewis: Charlotte Edwards. She has almost said that she will request the mail. It is also happiness that she is the type of coach that is a challenge, because picking up a team from the Droesem from 16-0 will be exactly that.

It will also be a long -term project. Perhaps it starts with an interim, split capincy, in which Beaumont plays the role in odis and tests, while potential successors are tried out in the T20 format. The new coach will undoubtedly have the last word, but whoever is called Captain will be confronted with the fact that her predecessor will still be present in the dressing room that Knight has said she is planning to continue in the ranks. After such a long period at the helm, that can be a fascinating dynamic.

It is crucial that England has eight weeks until they stand opposite West -India: eight weeks to appoint a coach, to name a new captain and try to show that they are serious about cultural change.




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