“Professional setup trains Young athletes to tackle pressure”, German table tennis coach Chris Pfeiffer praise DSC Tournament
Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India]22 maart (ANI): Voorafgaand aan de finale van het Dream Sports Championship (DSC) U-15 tafeltennistoernooi, Duitse tafeltenniscoach Chris Pfeiffer, die deel uitmaakt van de Sharath Kamal Academy, legde uit hoe het toernooi helpt bij het ontwikkelen van de pijplijn van de volgende generatie van de volgende generatie tabel tennisspelers in India.
The five -day tournament, which took place in the Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai, offered a professional environment for the young paddlers to test themselves against a strong battlefield, according to a press release.
With an arrangement of six camera under lights and live streaming available on FANCODE, Chris says that the young athletes learn to deal with pressure.
“I think it is a great initiative with a unique professional setup. With a set of six camera, the matches are streamed live. For young players, it is a great opportunity in this area to learn how to work. We certainly need more initiatives like this,” said Chris, the release said.
Chris is present at the tournament to coordinate training sessions for mental health care with parents, coaches and athletes under the Dream program of DSF. He explained why the sessions are crucial for the overall growth of the India table tennis system.
“Table tennis is an individual sport that requires an enormous skill and years of years. Patience is the key to supporting the future of a child in play. A strong environment is essential, and initiatives like these benefit everyone,” said Chris.
The parents and coaches also present the educational workshops and explained how they helped them to gain a deeper insight into how their children play. “My child has learned many things. We want more from this,” said the mother of the 13-year-old Pratik Tulsani, who is currently India. 1 in the U-13 category.
“Parents do not always see the efforts behind the scenes in coaching sessions. These sessions offer athletes valuable insights. As a coach I have also learned new techniques to train my students, especially when handling multiple balls and refining wrist movements,” said Rajendra Sawant, Pratik's coach.
Sahil Rawwat and Ritvik Gupta have both earned their places in the final. Rawwat secured his place with a commander 3-1 victory over Petsunthad, won with scores from 11-8, 11-4, 13-11 and 11-6, with special dominance in the second set. In the meantime, Gupta Atharva Nawarange conquered, also with a 3-1 score line, where scores from 11-8, 10-12, 11-6 and 11-9 were placed after bouncing back from a narrow loss in the second set.
Aan de meisjeskant zorgden Divyanshi Bhowmick en Shreya Dhar hun plekken in de finale nadat Bhowmick de overhand had in een nagelbijtende vijf-set-wedstrijd tegen Tanishka Kalbhairav, die terugkwamen van de eerste set om de eerste set te winnen met scores van 4-11, 11-9, 11-5, 9-11, 9-11 en een dramatische 12-10 in de Decidende set. Dhar had a slightly more comfortable path to the last one and defeated Ananya Muralidharan 3-1 with scores of 11-6, 11-9, 9-11 and 12-10. (ANI)
(The story comes from a syndice feed and was not edited by the grandstand staff.)
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