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NZC Image Rights: Cricket Players in Stoush with administrative body

NZC Image Rights: Cricket Players in Stoush with administrative body



It is frustrating and disappointing.

Scott Weenink:
Scott Weenink: “Signs remain constructive.” Photo / Photosport

NZC -Baas Scott Weenink, who took over from David White in September 2023, is currently abroad and commented through a statement.

I can confirm that there have been discussions between the two parties about this issue that are underway, but it is incorrect to say that NZC has taken legal steps against the players.

Instead, both NZC and the NZCPA lawyers involved in an attempt to resolve what an important contractual issue is.

Conversations remain constructive and both groups believe that they are looking for what is best for the players. Being hopeful to achieve a satisfactory resolution.

The splash is essentially about whether players should be sold exclusively under the NZC banner.

The NZCPA claims that no one can possess rights to the players without their permission, and they are only subject to the limitations of the board in wearing trademarks and logos of NZCs.

The catalyst has been NZC who wanted exclusivity in the rights of the licensing provider for the dream company, sponsors of the T20 Super Smash, for a digital mobile game.

In exchange, the administrative body and the players are paid, which is estimated as millions of dollars in income, which is divided 50:50.

NZC is concerned that the deal runs the risk of being devalued, or in the worst case is confronted with a lawsuit, if Dream stipulates that the conditions of the scheme are not met and some of their investments want to claw back.

However, the NZCPA claims that its members must be free to earn royalties from a broader portfolio of technologies and sponsors, provided that they do not use or wear NZC trade brands or logos.

We must make it clear that New -Zeelandse Cricket does not have players, Mills said.

That is a reasonably established principle in the world -professional sport. The administrative body receives the use of players' images and their name for use with their team trading brands and logos, and that is it.

Heath Mills:
Heath Mills: “New -Zeelandse Cricket does not have players.” Photo / NZ Herald

What they never get is owned by that. You can get any chic lawyer you want to make that argument through our collective agreement, but we will simply point out 24 years of history and any other matter around the world.

So how can the situation be best solved without introducing mediation?

New Zealand cricket has to join any other sport in the world and, if they stop threatening a lawsuit, I know for sure, then we can sit down for a reasonable conversation, Mills said.

New Zealandse Cricket has given Dream the right to use the player images with their trademarks and logos, which is completely normal, but the players must then be free to transfer their individual rights, without any association to the administrative body, to other third parties.




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