Thomas Tuchel: First impressions of New England head coach after victory over Albania

In the opening phase, he broke twice in animated applause when England pressed Albania for mistakes – the first opportunity when they stolen and on another when the intensity forced the visitors to bring the ball into contact.
Tuchel was just as enthusiastic when England hit the ball back. This was the intensity he wanted more and expect more in the future.
It was all accompanied by tic-tac arm-waving, but most of the time he was a calm, measured figure, although there was little to be enthusiastic about long spells.
Tuchel was not a permanent presence on the touchline, took place after 14 minutes, stayed there for three minutes, occasionally in discussion with his staff before he returned.
He greeted the first goal of his reign, slid home through Lewis -Skelly of Jude Bellingham's penetrating pass, with a pump of his fist and a big smile – but it was quickly working when he gave some long instructions to goalkeeper Jordan Pickford.
Tuchel soon became familiar with one of the more recent traditions of Wembley, the paper aircraft flying during periods of inactivity. The first landed near him after 33 minutes.
Tuchel has shown that he is not too proud to use the physical presence and set piece of bravery that, according to him, brings the strengths from the Premier League to England, as a result of which the physicality and air force of 6ft 7 in burns prior to the more technically gifted Kristalpaleis defender Marc Guehi, who has been disclosed.
When the Three Lions won three consecutive corners in the first half, a line of players – a trick that was different as “the bus stop” or “The Love Train” – but there was only one target for the delivery of Declan Rice – the gigantic figure of burning.
It was the most obvious plans, but almost worked when he got up above Albania's defenders to crash a header against the bar.
Tuchel only lost his calm once when he separated the officials because he had not awarded a mistake when Rashford was blocked on the ground for him, but this was a quiet night and a routine victory.
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