Thomas Tuchel's First England Game: Five Talking Points from Wembley Win

Before the Tuchel match created many headlines when he said that England looked like they had played with fear at Euro 2024 among his predecessor Gareth Southgate.
He also suggested that he wanted them to play physical football in Premier League style.
Known for his tactical flexibility, nobody was pretty sure what Formation Tuchel would choose, but he sent England in a 4-2-3-1.
Although the Tuchel teams are normally known for their intensity and urgent, it was difficult for England to show against a team that was so defensive as Albania, especially in the first half.
And the German is also in the early stages of his reign – after he met his players only four days ago for the first time since it officially took over in January.
“Thomas Tuchel's had the team three days -you can't expect you to see another England team,” said former three Lions midfielder Leon Osman on BBC Radio 5 Live.
“We won the football match. Once we got ahead, there was no urgency.
“We want to be entertained. There is a certain element of control that is good in the tournament football ball.
“The moment we are not in a tournament, we want to be entertained.”
England had 74% of the ball and 12 shots to the three of Albania – where the hosts registered all six efforts on the goal in the game.
In the first 45 minutes they completed 437 fits, most on Opta's data from every first half of England.
The visitors tried to play more after the break, but England's backline was only tested a few times by replacement Armando Broja.
The result itself was Routine – New England manager or not. The three lions are unbeaten in 38 home qualifications for world cups or euros since November 2007, with 34 wins.
“It was a difficult game from a spectering perspective,” said former England -defender Matt Upson on BBC Radio 5 Live.
“Once we got into the rhythm, it was very bad in England near Wembley against inferior opposition where they had trouble breaking them down.
“We all want to see how Thomas Tuchel's plan will happen.
“There are so many questions, but in the end they have to manage the game themselves and England did so well.”
Upson added that Tuchel has probably learned to “understand what it feels and looks tactical” to play against a team in a low block like that of Albania.
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