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Nostalgic Zaheer Abbas for reviving India-Pakistan Cricket

Nostalgic Zaheer Abbas for reviving India-Pakistan Cricket



Mumbai: The India-Pakistan Cricket rivalry is nowadays limited to ICC events, but in the 1970s and eighties the neighbors played many games against each other. When a great player of that time discusses the game, the nostalgia evokes.

Pakistan cricket legend Zaheer Abbas (center) in Mumbai. (HT)
Pakistan cricket legend Zaheer Abbas (center) in Mumbai. (HT)

For those who followed cricket in the 1970s, Zaheer Abbas is respected name. The stylish Pakistan seizure that Asias Bradman was called for his productive score, he has 108 first class a select gathering in the Cricket Club of India about Cricket and went through the memory strip.

As a batting artist, he was an entertainer par excellence. Former India Pacer Karsan Ghavri, who played against Zed (his nickname), remembered his Batting class. Even in T20's we see battles playing three-four point balls, but there was no point ball when Zed was at the fold, he would be looking for a run every ball, maneuvering the field, Ghavri said to indicate the renowned pulse of Zahereer. For the Indian bowlers, he was the most difficult seizure to loosen, on average 87 in 19 tests with six hundred his first three innings against India were 176, 96 and 235, in 1978.

The former captain of Pakistan has a strong bond with India when his wife comes from Kanpur. He is used to visiting the country often, but this time he had arrived after 7-8 years. I came here with great difficulty, (but) here you can reach, I enjoy it a lot. The development I see is a little more than I expected, which is a very good thing for India, who you will continue to see and continue to do, Zaheer told the audience.

One reason why his Mumbai trips have been reduced is because Raj Singh Dungarpur is no longer. He remembered the generosity of the former BCCI (and CCI) president. Then Dungarpur Sahab At that time I lived a lot here. After he died, it becomes difficult. He gave me a lot of favors. It is a special place for me, I am happy to be here. I didn't score a hundred here, but played many practice games, he said.

Memory plays tricks on 77, but old stories were again filled with nostalgia in one evening. Zaheer had previously met good friend Sunil Gavaskar during the visit, and when he saw Ghavri, a debonair cricket player of his time, Zaheer addressed him as a hero as he did during their match days. To insist on resuming India-Pakistan bilateral cricket, he pointed to Ghavi and said: Hero played there (in Pakistan), you can ask him if he had a problem.

Zaheer said: it was very nice; After the game we dinner together, Chit Chat. I do not understand what happened that there is a break in bilateral competitions, it should not have happened. We are neighbors and both love cricket. Teams must come to each other's countries and improve relationships.

He was remembered about playing Gavaskar in the rest of the world XI to Australia in 1971 when West -India Sleeat Rohan Kanhai hit, said: the Karachi Bradman (Zaheer), Bombay Bradman (Gavaskar) and the real Bradman (Don) are here.

Zaheer remembered: we had a great association with Indian players because color is the same, language is the same. Before that series (in Australia) the Indian team had come to England (1971), and because I knew Gavaskar very well, he had also scored a double hundred (against West -India) and I also got a double hundred (against England, both at the start of their career). So I went to the Indian dressing room (during the famous oval test), although it was not allowed; But love was so much for the Indian players that I went inside. Gavaskar introduced me to the team and I said: I am here to wish that the Indian team would win, and they won. Former India -Law Kenia Jayantilal (he played one test on the Windies tour of 1971) reminded the interaction of Zaheers.

Zaheer, who watched the India-Pakistan Champions Trophy match in Dubai, was impressed by Indias Performance.

I am very happy if Asian countries are doing well and progressing. The amount of talent there is in India and Pakistan, I don't think it will be somewhere else. India has won the Champions trophy because of their spinners in general, India is doing well, he said, and repeats the need for the teams to play to make progress.

Pakistan goes through a heavy phase, eliminated in the Champions Trophy Group phase as hosts. Zaheer said that the victory over Zeeland in the third T20, and 204 pursued in 16 overs who only lost one wicket, gave him hope.

Starting with the IPL, he said: When I am at home, I will follow; The international players I don't follow that much, but Indian players I follow.




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