How New England manager Thomas Tuchel sit-down dinners, table tennis and many hugs and high-fives uses to forge a group of brothers

In the chic Spurs Lodge at seven o'clock on Sunday evening, England sits down to eat as one.
Players and employees who bring bread together a buffet with different options, no different than a Premier League team at the same time is one of the changes that Thomas Tuchel has been implemented by Thomas Tuchel this week.
It changes the routine of Gareth Southgate, where the main meal of the day was served by a one -hour window. They came and went on their own choice.
The ideas of Tuchel here are really fairly old school, but they are something that according to the German will help when it comes to the core, speak to the 'brotherhood' that he has discussed in detail.
At first glance, this seems like a strange concept to pick up after the south, whose apparent shortcomings came tactically instead of the environment, but Tuchel does not necessarily always always mean fighting for each other.
Similarly, he means to stick to the plan, to know exactly what the man is doing behind or next to you, to drive through games together.

Thomas Tuchel has given many hugs and high-fives to his players in England

The German boss tries to forge a group of brothers prior to next year's world cup

The players have also had sit-down dinners together and enjoy relaxed pastures such as table tennis

Tuchel's side started their world cup qualifying campaign by beating Albania 2-0 at Wembley
Tuchel looked calm, especially when resting on advertising hammers as soon as the qualifying match against Albania was won on Friday evening at Wembley, but the reality is that this was spent a frank first few days on the edge for the newest savior of England. He is noticing the clock and clearly makes the 24 training days they have as the World Cup with a sense of urgency during his first team meeting on Monday, and he clearly defined the problem behind England not to get over the line during a big tournament.
It is the intangible assets, the solidarity not in the sense of comrading, but a collective cohesion in the game that Tuchel believes is the difference.
So he has to accelerate all of that, producing it over six camps to America, Canada and Mexico. “I am not the most patient man in the world when it comes to it, but I will learn and push the players,” he said. Well, that has become abundantly clear.
Part of his opening address at the start of this camp was aimed at last summer against Spain and what he calls the 'interactions' between players' bits of encouragement, the high five and then cajoling. The study of the staff at that night revealed how they declined considerably in the second half when the final champions took the game through his throat.
Although a number of cases of positive reinforcement were noticeable from Jordan Pickford and Ezri Konsa to Harry Kane when they left danger or Pickford's embrace of Konsa for a recovery challenge, the victory over Albania ended somewhat. It may be that he identifies this team as someone who has to learn to continue with a whole.
“His presence is a bit different,” said Morgan Rogers who pushed a start on Monday. 'There is one that I have never experienced before. Very upright, no round corners. The best way to get information about is to be like that. '
Tuchel, who pops up to view the under 21 sessions, has effectively reversed the training days from that of his predecessor. Diners and lunches may be regimated, but breakfast is looser, making different sleep patterns possible. Of course, people with children generally rise earlier. Table tennis and competitive downtime activities are halfway through the morning until lunch, with training now five hours later, much closer to the kick-off.

Tuchel then handed Burn his first international cap after giving the 32-year-old his first call-up

Myles Lewis-Skelly also made his debut on Friday, before he marked the opportunity with a goal

Tuchel has created a relaxed atmosphere in his opening training camp to create a relaxed atmosphere
They mean long days, but allow ad hoc meetings with players, individually or in groups, prior to training. He wants more ingenuity from his midfield, especially when he has met a low block such as on Friday and almost certainly against Latvia on Monday and the protagonists to become problem solutions.
Assistant Anthony Barry has seen that the body shape of their men in the middle must be more open, making a wider range of options immediately possible from the first touch. A basis and something that would present faster ball to the Wingers, who was missing against Albania, and did not play the strengths of Phil Foden or Marcus Rashford.
Tuchel has discussed with Declan Rice how to pierce the lines and Illes Lewis-Skelly spoke by his move to the Hoge Nr. 8 position at Wembley.
The idea that progresses is that all this is determined by the players themselves. They should undoubtedly be able to do that, because Tuchel's first lesson of the emergency course is coming to an end.
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