North Dakota Falls, 4-2, to West Michigan in NCHC Frozen Faceoff

Saint Paul, Minn. The top placed West-Michigan defeated No. 5 Seed North Dakota, 4-2, in the NCHC Frozen Faceoff semi-final on Friday evening from the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minn.
The loss ends the season of North Dakota on 21-15-2, which marks the first time since 1990 that the program overshadowed the 20-Win Mark and will not reach the NCAA tournament.
Sacha Boisvertt closed his first -year campaign in style and was a few more goals to end with 18 in the season. The 18 drags are the most by a first-year student since Brock Boeter in 2015-16 and also finished the first und-smokie that the team led in both goals and points (32).
Junior Vooruit Owen McLaughlin Also recorded a multi-point outing with a few assists to close his season with 30 points to finish second in the team, while he also ran the team with 25 helpers.
Graduated student goalkeeper TJ Semptimphelter Played one of his best matches of the season in the loss, in which he met his season High with 37 Saves to conclude his last collegial season with a .910 savings percentage and a 18-11-2 record.
Western Michigan (29-7-1) jumped out to a 1-0 lead just after the center of the opening period when Alex Bump forced a turnover and brought his 21st goal of the season at home to give the Broncos a 1-0 advantage before Boisvert returned with a rocket with a rocket in the first place in the first place in the first place in the first place in the first place in the first place in the first place in the first place.
Both teams exchanged opportunities in the Middle Stanza, where the teams combined for 28 shots on goals, but the goalkeepers were long and kept the game aware of 1-1 on their way to the last period.
In the third, WMU took the lead on the 7: 23 point on a goal by Grant Slukynsky that demolished the Wickets van Semptimphelter to bring the score to the benefit of the Broncos. Nodak pushed to the equalizer as the period dedicated, including a pole from Abram Wiebe and a golden chance of Carter WilkieBut WMU added an empty cleaner to bring the score to 3-1 with 1:54 to play.
Boisvert immediately brought the Hawks back to a goal with his second of the night in the last minute, so that the ninth goal of the season was potted with the extra attacker, but WMU added his second extra attacker to close the 4-2 victory.
Postgame notes
- Defender EJ Emery returned to the Line -Up for the first time since 22 February vs. Minnesota Duluth
- North Dakota ends its season on 21-15-2 Record
- Sacha Boisvertt scored two goals to end with 18 goals
- Blocked shots were 15-6 und
- Und went 1-from-2 on the Power Play while WMU was 0-out-2
- TJ Semptimphelter Finished with 37 Saves and his High season agreed
- Faceoffs were 38-34 WMU, with Jake Schmaltz The road for und at 10-6
How it happened
First period
12:33 | WMU Alex Bump (21)
18:17 | AND Sacha Boisvertt (17, pp) van Owen McLaughlin (24) and Cameron Berg (10)
Second period
Don't score
Third period
07:23 | WMU Grant Slukynsky (9) from Liam Valente (17)
18:06 | WMU IIRO Hakkaranen (12, EN) Van Zach Nehring (15) and Tim Wane (19)
19:10 | And Boisvert (18, EA) of McLaughlin (25)
19:36 | WMU Samuel Sjolund (4, and)
Go to for more information about North Dakota Hockey or follow on social media @undmhockey.
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