Flavien Coton, the new mtorite of the French Ping that it should have seen arriving
The ping that he has changed! Simon Gauzy laughs alone, the Mbappian quote came to him as A. The French Numro3, one of the former 30 -year anniversary of the old years, was his 8th finish in the Dheumat -Diteris process and won a few minutes more Taxface Flavien Coton at the French Championships this Saturday. The last, 16, is the new Ppite release of the Frois brooding place. First tricolor world champion U15, in 2022, the little man from Lambres-Lez-Douai, not far from Lens (Hauts-de-France) is the catalog of the future star of the French Ping, which takes the flix of Flix Lebrun, which today largely Dasst.
The ping that he has changed because everything goes faster and faster with these small hinges. Just like the youngest of Frres Lebrun, Flavien Coton is a mtorite that flows on the senior circuit without asking questions. The new hinge plays plays even faster, it is impressive, takes Gauzy. Flavien serves well, he is very aggressive. It is true that if I released two or three seconds, there were three points that were immediately.
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In this first really exciting meeting of the painting of the simple gentlemen, for what he has reproduced between the head of the Ping of Frapai Ping and the new curiosis of the discipline for ten years, LAN is ultimately imposed without vibrating too much (4-1), even if cotton did not go far from two sets in his favor. Who knows what could have happened afterwards? It was a bit regrettable, concluded the Norherner, who found Lone two hours later, after his qualification for the final of the mixed double. But it mainly loved this competition that he has hung much more than the last time that the Mdaill of Olympic Bronze is due to characteristics.
It was three weeks ago in Türkiye three weeks ago and he Manged a 3-0 without a profession in the teeth. Nothing to see this Saturday, oh Gauzy Ad Sem commit and take a few against half Fate tops of which he has the secret on certain hotpoints to take the child in the step. It was really a lock in the first three sets. Then I miss a little money, and Dexprience, forement, says Flavien Coton about a still shy voice. He stayed at the same level during the competition, I had a little soft blow at certain times, I make a number of BTEs errors that are expensive. It is especially this regulator during the competition that makes the difference.
This is what TRS is called at a high level. A good, the young cluster of CTT Brille, 23rd French player and 109th in the world, is L for one. This Anne is really the discovery of the big world for him. In January he was invited by World Table Tennis, the lorging that takes care of the World Circuit, on the WTT Star content in Doha (Qatar), which is a tournament of Trois Catgorie, just behind the Big Smashs and the WTT champions (which is a tennis).
Although he was a bit in the first round, he fully kept it out and was planning to do a little better Chennai (India), o a second expression of this level Lat Ds next week. There is a lot to learn, he knows. What strikes me is how professional everyone is. This is not the case among young people. L is impressive. The young player, who will be 17 years old in April, stores everything he can.
To read, things go in the right direction and the right speed, his coach Alice Joneau believes. And this dispensation against Simon Gauzy, casually, was rich in lessons, she trusts:
I am happy because I have seen many good things, especially on a physical level. Madam When we see that it is just a bit of mouss, there is still a big evolution in her forehand. He is more powerful, he got up to hurt him, which was far from Gagn a year ago.
Walking is still too high to go lies to touch a mining member of the France team, but the fossy is created. It is true that it is a bit stressful for me to play against a young who wants to take my place, recognizes Gauzy. I'm glad he still has a small way.
We have time, we don't have to have sexk
It is said with kindness. During more than Gauzy, a bit like a big Frre for Flavien Coton, who will feel it in the Duschenhausen Club, O Volue the 51st World Player since 2013. The two players have practiced a lot in recent months. He has a lot of talent, LAN observes. We know well that he will be very strong. Then, to know until it will go, it is difficult to project yourself. A dpend of him, and the manire what he is his Carrere. But I'm not worried, it's everywhere.
In addition, Dalice Joneau, TRS Trainer in the community respects, Flavien Coton can also count on the good advice of his parents, Xavier and Carole, both of whom are at national level. The first coaches of their son, they are right daily, with a lens to wear him. We prepare him to be as strong as possible, nuns his coach, without pretension. We know it has everything that is needed to be in top 10 [mondial]. But voil, we have time, we don't have to have sex.
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In addition to his progress, the cell around the garon ensures what it cannot be eaten by expectations. It is quite serene, writes Alice Joneau. Afterwards he has a calm, super cool Personalit Hyer. For him it makes it possible to manage everything one. Also breakdown, the PRS just above him Lebrun Frres, not much more GS and who take all the light, at the same time than they form that examples follow. The best of the engines observes the technician. A can only help to move forward. That is why we talk about the next gene of the Frapai Ping if it is not a sign of good health of the discipline.
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