Championship Bound: Badgers gets GODHERS 6-2

Minneapolis Junior Tribal flers Take a hat trick to lead the Wisconsin Ladies Hockey to a 6-2 victory over the Minnesota GOPHERS in the NCAA Frozen Foury match of 2025 on Friday, making the badgers on their 12th champion match on Sunday.
It marked the second hat trick of Edwards of the year while Caroline Harvey” Kirsten Simms And Casey O'Brien Also scored for the badgers (37-1-2).
Wisconsin had an early chance when Minnesota (29-12-1) received a major five minutes, but despite the fact that he opened only centimeters from opening the score, the Badger Power-Play unit could not benefit.
Minnesota scored the first 15 minutes in the first period, but your minutes later during the penalty kill. Harvey along a skater intercepted a puck and sent it forward Casey O'Brien Who ran the ice with Edwards. O'Brien sent the puck to Edwards who had enough room to send a long snipbar down to the Minnesota network. The first frame ended at 1-1.
The badgers kept pushing in the second period. Three minutes in, O'Brien Harvey found with time and space in the lock and the puck snipped past Minnesota Network Hannah Clark to give the badgers a 2-1 lead. Simms extended the lead to two halfway through the period. The badgers were on a 3-on-1 break and Eden sent a pass to Simms who took the time to find the corner to find a wrist on a past Clark.
Minnesota lowered his shortage to 3-2 forty seconds later.
Later in the second, Harvey van Wisconsin was called up for a small penalty. Eleven seconds later, Chloe Primerano from Minnesota was called for interference and sent the game to 4-on-4 hockey. O'Brien was a capitalization of only 2.0 seconds in the period. With the goal, O'Brien registered its 88th point of the season, most of every tie in school history. The badgers took their 4-2 lead in the third period.
Edwards gave Wisconsin a three goals kisses five minutes in the third with her second goal of the game and 33rd of the season.
Ava McNaughton Stopped 21 of 23 shots for her 35th victory of the season, which is most bound in one season by a Dasnet Minder. Kristen Campbell also achieved 35 victories during the 2018-19 season.
Notes of the game
– Tribal flers gathered her 150th career point for the Cardinal and White on her goal of the first period, in 18th place in school history.
– Casey O'Brien recorded her 88th point of the season and passed the 87 points of Meghan Duggan in 2010-11 for the most single-season points in school history.
– The 37 victories of yours are the most bound in school history with the 2010-11 team.
– Wisconsin has 10-right victories against the Golden Gophers, including all six matchups this season. It is the first time that you have gone 6-0 against UM in one season. You now also lead the All-Series 58-57-16, which the first time you have led the all time.
– You have 217 goals in the season, which is most in school history.
Straight from the ice rink
Head coach Mark Johnson
On what the momentum was after a 1-0 deficit:
“To think [Edwards’] Goal, Shorted, was really about the early part of the game and I think we played exceptionally well by the third period, especially managing the Puck and taking care of and doing what we had to do to get to the end of the game. “
About the toughness of the team:
“They have earned everything their way. They have been consistent. They have played well all year round and we have always had this bull -eye, especially this year, right for us and everyone comes after us, and it is a challenge. It is difficult, so I give them a lot of praise.”
At the depth and consistency of the schedule:
“We have had different players at different times and play a game […] I am really proud of the way they have been able to be consistent all year round and they deserve to be in this championship game, and I am excited to see where it goes. “
Senior Vooruit Casey O'Brien
On the milestone:
“I was just focused as much as possible to the success of the team, and yes, it's cool, but that's not what the focus is on. It is in the team and the next game, it's really all it is.”
About the late goal in the second period:
'I have a nice pass from Laney [Potter] When I came up and I knew the clock would come and so I just tried to get a shot on the net. I used the defense as a screen, so I was lucky that it went in, but I think I would go into the third period with that kind of lead, gave everyone a lot of confidence and then we ended it.
Junior Vooruit Tribal flers
On the short -tying equalizer:
“We stayed at the level of the head. (Caroline) Harvey makes a good stop, picks it up to me and I gave it to Casey. She is clearly a threat, so she pushed the defense back, gave it to me, and I just took a shot on the net. We don't go down early so when we did that, but we have signed things.”
About what this team means for her:
“I play, I live my dream now. I play the sport that I love with the people I love, so it's great. If you look at all three my goals, they started with the hard work of someone else and just smart hockey, so it's really fun and we are really enthusiastic for the next game.”
Following: Wisconsin will take on Ohio State on Sunday in the NCAA title match in Ridder Arena. Puck Drop is set at 3 p.m. and the game is broadcast live on ESPNU.
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