International Squash returns to the nation with India Open 2025

Updated: March 23, 2025 00:50 Is
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India]March 23 (Ani): The countdown started with what a milestone moment is in Squash in India. Indian Open 2025, the very first PSA pumpkin tournament in India, with a price fair from USD 53,500. The Indian Open 2025 starts on March 24, with the final planned for the 28th in the Bombay Gymkhana. The competition starts on the inner courses, with the quarterfinals, semi-finals and the last set to be played on a full-glass outdoor court and offers fans a unique experience, according to the PSA press release.
The India Open is even more important for the Indian sports brotherhood, because after a seven -year interruption it welcomes a large pumpkin tournament in the country. Coincidentally, Squash will make his Olympic debut during the summer games of Los Angeles in 2028.
The return of top pumpkin to India with the India Open was announced in the presence of Manisha Malhotra, President, Inspire Institute of Sports, Divyanshu Singh, COO Sports, Ramit Tandon (India No. 1 in men's pumpkin) and Anahat Singh (India No 3).
In this tournament, TOP -Indian pumpkin players such as Ramit Tandon, Velavan Senthilkumar, Veer Chotrani, Anahat Singh and Akanksha Salunkhe will take the court in addition to some talented international athletes from France, Spain, Holland, Egypt, Canada, England and Japan, and Japan. Both the men's and ladies' stretches will each see a total of 24 players, with India's Ramit Tandon and Akanksha Salunkhe enter and the best seeds. In the meantime, Suraj Kumar Chand and Anjali Semwal from India are the two Wildcard submissions in the India open.
Manisha Malhotra, President of IIS, said as quoted by the PSA press release: “We are delighted to be able to bring squash back to India at the highest level. Sports such as Squash must see the return of circuits at the state and national level, so we will be good opportunities to learn how to play good opportunities.
Divyanshu Singh, COO of JSW Sports, stated: “We try to develop an ecosystem when it comes to sports company in India. It is dominated by cricket, but our aim is to change that and promote other Indian sports. Are here to get them on the spot.”
“From a marketing perspective, we strive to increase the profile of the players and increase the popularity of the sport,” he added.
When asked about his thoughts about the tournament, India No. 1 Ramit Tandon said: “It is always good to play at home. I think we don't get the chance to do enough in India, so I am very grateful for JSW and everyone involved, especially with the largest squash event in the highest level of the largest level. It is important to achieve more people.
India No. 3 Anahat Singh stated: “This will so far be one of the larger tournaments for me and playing in India and being able to play with so many international players will be great. Especially for me it is really important for my ranking and to play at home instead of traveling so much outside the country.” (ANI)
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