Byu -football players appear before March Madness Hoops

Denver -While Byu Basketball goes in the March Madness round of 32, some Cougar -football players made the trip to Ball Arena to encourage their school.
Wide receiver Parker Kingston and Safety Raider Damuni placed a photo for X with their cougar equipment.
@raiderdamuni We are ready !!!!
Parker Kingston (@Parkerkingston) March 22, 2025
However, they are far from the only members of the Byu family in Denver.
While the Cougars took the VCU rams on Friday, the crowd was filled with Royal Blue. For the whole game it felt somewhat like a home game in the Marriott Center.
It would not be surprising if that trend would continue in the round of 32 matchup with the Wisconsin Badgers.
great fans of @Byumbb
Byu Football (@Byufootball) March 23, 2025
On top of the many fans who traveled, there was also some Byu royalties on Friday.
Jimmer Fredette, Taysom Hill and Danny Ainge all watched while the Cougs deposited the no. 11 rams.
Related: Jimmer Fredette, Taysom Hill, Danny Ainge Watch Byu takes on VCU
Byu Basketball strives for third sweet 16 appearances since 1979
Byu Basketball is on the Tour of 32, where they will be confronted today opposite the number 3 Wisconsin badgers.
In the first round of the NCAA basketball tournament for men, the No. 6 Cougars the No. 11 VCU rams deducted in a victory of 80-71. The victory was Byu's first in the “Big Dance” since 2012.
Wisconsin has not treated so much drama if they relatively easily defeated the no. 14 Montana Grizzlies, 85-66.
See you in round two
Byu Men's Basketball (@Byumbb) March 20, 2025
The last time that Byu Basketball defeated a team with one digit in March Madness was in 1991. However, this Byu team won 10 of their last 11 games and showed that they can change their playing style for success as they did against VCU on Thursday.
All signs indicate an even, high -scoring matchup, which is probably the reason why CBS collected the game for Primetime.
Byu Gameday Read
Follow Byu and the NCAA tournament at KSL Sports
Thecougars received a no. 6 seed in the eastern region and will continue their big dance in Denver on Saturday against no. 3 Wisconsin Badgers.
Follow the Byu Cougars with KSL Sportshere.
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