Indian Wells Champion Jack Draper The reality check by Jakub Mensik | Tennis

A little less than a week after he had taken the biggest performance of his career so far, the next task was for Jack Draper to throw all the thoughts of his sublime Indian Wells title to the back of his mind, while the form that his tennis had maintained to new heights had maintained.
Performance at the highest level week after week, regardless of circumstances and circumstances, one of the most difficult challenges remains in professional tennis and on Saturday it turned out to be a step too far. Draper fell back to earth with an unsatisfactory 7-6 (2), 7-6 (3) defeat against the 19-year-old Jakub Mensik of the Czech Republic in the second round of the Miami.
Draperers Indian Wells Title Run had started with him who demonstrated his experience against 18-year-old Joo Fonseca, the youngest player in the ATP Top 100. This time he could not escape another difficult draw against an extremely talented teenager. Mensik, who is on NO54, abandoned Draper, the sixth seed, with an incredible serving version that produced 21 aces.
For a short time, Draper seemed to have continued where he had stayed from the demolition of last Sunday of Holger Rune in Indian Wells while in the competition in the Lasering Forehands in burst and served efficiently.
However, while Mensik warmed up in the competition and showed his own powerful Serve and Forehand, the intensity of Drapers fell sharply. He brought through a large part of the set with himself with himself, trying to restore his intensity and realize them on his foundations. While Draper took those problems in the tie-break, Mensik served flawlessly to get the set.
The second set followed a similar pattern as Draper was a step behind. It took a great effort from the British no. The one-sided Tie-Break was a logical conclusion for a deceptively one-sided set.
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Draper will leave Miami frustrated in his inability to maintain the momentum he built in Indian Putten, but a mental and physical disappointment after such a breakthrough was always a possibility. With the humidity in Miami that causes heavier balls and various circumstances, the transition to Miami is a challenge in many ways. For Draper this should be a valuable lesson, because he wants to perform at the highest level on a consistent basis.
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In the meantime, Jacob Fearnleys Positive Week came to Miami in the second round when he was surpassed by an excellent Alexander Zverev, the top seeds, who opened his tournament with a comfortable 6-2, 6-4 victory. FearNley had reached the second round by navigating the qualification stretch before he registered the second best victory of his career by ranking in the first round against the No. 63 Benjamin Bonzi. He will get up to a new career -high ranking in the Top 75 and Leapfrog Cameron Norrie as the new British No. 2.
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