Boy's neck cut by Skate during Wyoming Hockey Game

A Wyoming boy escaped death closely after he had taken a skate in the neck during a hockey game.
Carter Lein, 11, played defense in the last game of his team of the season when he accidentally stumbled an opponent and sent the other young person flying.
The skate of the other player finally hit the boy's neck, just below his ear.
His terrified parents rushed to him.
You hear about these things happen, but you never think it could happen to you, “Carter's mother, Lauren Lein, said to the post and called it” the worst nightmare of every parent. “
“It was heartbreaking,” she said. “He kept telling me:” I'm so scared, I don't know what to do. “
In the beginning the boy felt no pain because of the adrenaline, but once he did, he was terrified, he said Oil City News.
Am I dying? Carter remembered when he realized what had happened.
His mother loved Carter covered hand and comforted him as they waited for the ambulance to arrive.
At least 20 different people asked 911, said Lein. Paramedics showed up a few minutes later and Carter brought a few blocks from the hospital to the hospital, where it took eight stitches to close the wound.
A CT scan showed that the horrible cut was only an inch away from large arteries, his family said.
Lauren Lein has credited the neck guard who wore her son by saving his life.
“The doctors said that if the neck protector was not there, the skate would have gone to his jugular,” said Lein. “We would tell a completely different story.”
USA Hockey needs neck protectors Since AugustAfter the former National Hockey League player Adam Johnson was killed during a match of November 2023 in the United Kingdom, when a collision of the center of IICE resulted in the skateblade of another player who cut his neck.
The pain of Carter's injury has been reduced and the boy has returned to school, his mother said.
“He has been a rock star,” she said.
He did not decide if he wants to return to hockey.
“We are familiar with every choice he makes,” she said.
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