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Australia Women vs New -Zeeland Second T20 scor card, result, highlights, Beth Moeney

Australia Women vs New -Zeeland Second T20 scor card, result, highlights, Beth Moeney



Australia has made a statement in Mount Maunganui and claims a dominant 82-run victory to win the victory in their Womens T20 International Series against New Zealand.

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Match Center: New -Zealand versus Australia Second T20 Live Scorecard

The result never really looked for Australia, who set New Zealand a goal of 204 Run. The highest successful successful Run -pursuit in women's T20is is 173, so it would always be a discouraging task that tried to chase it totally.

The tourists placed 204 of their 20 overs after Opener Beth Moeney cracked half a century, her 27th in T20is.

The Australian opener Georgia Volle shot 36 (20) in an explosive start before he federated a bouncer from Kiwi all-rounder Sophie Devine, who later sustained a hand injury, to the Wicketkeeper.

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Moeney and Phoebe Litchfield (32 Form 29 balls) then combined for a 69-run partnership for the second wicket before the Kerr sisters a few late scoring.

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Beth Moeney from Australia. Photo by Phil Walter/Getty imagesSource: Getty images

In the meantime, the white ferns were guilty of several misfields, the opportunities and missed stump dropped into the innings.

New Zealand made a solid start of his Run-Achtervolging when Suzie Bates Back-to-Back set boundaries to close the first, but it all went downhill as he hit Alana King on her second ball of innings to reject the dangerous white fern opener.

The wickets then fell when Annabel Sutherland made two in the space of three balls, first cleaning Georgia Plimmer and then getting Sophie Devine in a delivery shortly thereafter.

Sutherland later made it a three-wicket pull when she opened the sixth by firing Brooke Halliday, leaving the white ferns on 4-45 and in major problems.

The reigning champions were unable to recover from that point when a stunning catch from Sutherland saw Jess Kerr, before King made her second wicket of the afternoon.

At that time, with New Zealand 7-112 at the end of the 14th, it was a matter of how quickly Australia would do the job and it only cost 15 balls to seal the result.

Moeney, who was crowned by player of the game, said that Sutherland was excellent and also earned the honor after she had managed 23 points in the first innings and then supported it with four wickets.

Australia had taken a 1-0 lead in the series of three games after winning the series opener in Auckland with eight wickets.

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