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OHIO State's College Football Playoff Run Under the leadership of the first quarter of dominance, second and third quarter control

OHIO State's College Football Playoff Run Under the leadership of the first quarter of dominance, second and third quarter control



Given some of the slow start that the Buckeyes brought back in matches against Nebraska, Penn State and Michigan in the second half of the regular season, the fast starts was an emphasis on Ohio State that entered the play -off of the University Football.

That emphasis yielded dividends. WhenEleven warriorsDuif in the quarter-for-quarter of Ohio State and during the 2024-25CFP of 2024-25CFP, the first quarter stood out as the largest period of Buckeye-Dominance.

Ohio State also held important edges in the second and third quarter, while holding fourth place at the fourth level.

Ohio State College Football Playoff Splits




Score margin


Opp -acquiring

Yards per game


First quarter








Second quarter








First half








Third quarter








Fourth quarter








Second half








The Buckeyes defeated Tennessee, Oregon, Texas and Notre Dame with a combined 42-7 in the first quarter, so that the attacking output of their four opponents with 622 yards of attack by only 199 yards allowed. The Yards-per play numbers are perhaps the most amazing: Ohio State took 9.4 meters each in the first quarter during the CFP, while opponents knew a meager 3.5 yards each.

The Buckeyes quickly starts to put on the most in the first two rounds of the CFP against the ducks and volunteers. Ohio State defeated Tennessee and Oregon with a combined 35-0 and surpasses them with a combined 438 to 53 in the first quarter. That is more than eight times the Yardage-Output in total minutes, which is amazing, even when it is considering that the Buckeyes have received football to start both games.

Starting with football also has no influence on yards per piece, and Ohio State took 11.2 yards per down to Tennessee and Oregon's Twoin the pair of opening frames.

We have always started in wanted, Ryan Day said before the Texas game. You want to set the tone for the game as an individual but also as a team. In both games we started with the ball and we went straight and scored. Implementation feeds emotion. That certainly has a large part of it. They go together. We have executed well on those first pair of discs. The defense received about three and outs early in the game. We have been able to jump on the last two opponents.

Ohio State jumped in particular on Oregon, as most readers probably remember. The Buckeyes stepped on a 34-0 lead against the number 1 seed and only undefeated team in the CFP gave a 34-8 lead at half time and closed with a 41-21 victory.

The first half Holistic was a dominant phase for Ohio State, which led a rest ahead of at least seven points in each of the four CFP matches on their way to a +58 scoring margin in the first 30 minutes. The Buckeyes grabbed 8.8 yards each in CFP first halves while they only allowed 4.1.

The rest adjustments were also a power of Ohio State's, even if the margins are not as showy as their first quarter or splits in the first half. It is true that the Buckeyes only surpassed their opponents with nine points over the four play-off third quarters, but they start Igten from Tennessee with a 14-0 penultimate frame to start the second half and ended a series of 31 unanswered points versus Notre Dame with 10 to start the third quarter.

In addition, thanks to the cruelty of their first halves, many of the second halves were spent on the clock in Ice Games during the Ohio State title run. That is the main reason why the fourth quarter is the only split in which the Buckeyes showed no clear control over their four-game run. Third-stringers saw action against the volunteers in the fourth quarter and there were multi-score leads to protect in the last 15 minutes against the ducks and fight against Irish.

That explains why CFP opponents recruit the Buckeyes 361 to 299 in total and surpassed 5.4 to 5.2 in yards each in the fourth quarter. In the only fourth quarter where Ohio State had to surpass his enemy the Texas game, where it came in the last frame with 14-14 with the Longhorns, it did.

After a large part of the second and third quarter, the Buckeyes gathered a 13 game, 88-Yard scoring drive to continue 21-14 before they compile, which is perhaps the most legendary goal line in team history to seal a 28-14 victory.

Notre Dame came back from his 31-7 hole and 31-15 deficit that entered the fourth quarter with a Jaden Greathouse-Touchdown to cut the lead to 31-23, where Ohio State 147 to 109 was pulled out in the last frame while the Buckeyes ran a few conservative games to take the clock. But there was nothing conservative about the excited “3rd-and-jeremiah” throw to seal a national championship.

That is the story of the CFP splits of Ohio State: a team that dominated both sides of the ball from the gates of games and then made the Games it needed in the second half to ensure that those starts were not lost. And it raised the CFP National Championship Trophy as a result.




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