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The 43-year-old Indian cricket icon is preparing for another IPL

The 43-year-old Indian cricket icon is preparing for another IPL



grey-placeholderAFP Chennai Super Kings' MS Dhoni plays an opportunity during the Indian Premier League (IPL) Twenty20 Cricket match between Royal Challengers Bengaluru and Chennai Super Kings in the M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bengaluru on 18 May 2024. AFP

Dhoni, who will be 44 in July, plays his 18th consecutive IPL season

While the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2025 unfolds, all eyes are aimed at MS Dhoni, who continues to contain the status of the superstar in Indian Cricket, despite the fact that he withdrew from the international cricket in 2020.

Dhoni remains a key figure in the world's richest cricket league.

In addition to him, veterans such as Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma, Tempo Bowler Jasprit Bumrah and emerging stars such as Shubhman Gill, Yashaswi Jaiswal and Rishabh Pant. They belong to the players who have led India to two ICC titles in the past nine months – the T20 World Cup in June and the Champions Trophy last month.

Yet it is Dhoni who still gives unparalleled attention, with his leadership and presence in the competition that fans fascinates.

The cricket player, who will be 44 in July, plays his 18th consecutive IPL season, 16 of these represent Chennai Super Kings (CSK). He is the oldest player in the tournament this year, although not the oldest who played in the IPL.

The Australian spin -bowler Brad Hogg was 45 years old and 92 days old when he last played in the IPL in 2016, which represents Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR). Leg spinner Pravin Tambe, the oldest debutant in 41 years and 212 days before Rajasthan Royals, played his last game in 2019 in 44 years and 219 days and ended an amazing career.

Whether Dhoni will surpass Tambe and Hogg is still to be seen. Three seasons ago, when he gives up the CSK captain, his retirement seemed imminent. Last year his rare performances suggested the same. CSK, however, used the retention clause in the IPL MEGA auction to keep Dhoni for the 2025 season as a non-tacked player, given his five-year absence of International Cricket.

grey-placeholderAFP A fan of Chennai Super Kings' MS Dhoni Cheers for the start of the Indian Premier League (IPL) Twenty20 Cricket match between Chennai Super Kings and Gujarat Titans in the Ma Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai on March 26, 2024AFP

Dhoni remains a major draw with fans after retirement of International Cricket

In 18 IPL seasons, Dhoni scored 5,243 points and placed him sixth on the list of all time, currently at the top of Kohli.

His career -stroke average of 39.12 is higher than both Rohit Sharma and Kohli, and only trails David Warner (40.52) and AB De Villiers (39.70) among players with more than 5,000 points in the competition.

Among players with more than 5,000 runs, Dhoni's success rate of 137.53 is behind only the Villiers (151.68) and Warner (139.77).

In Zeses, Dhoni (252) only follows Gayle (357), Sharma (280) and Kohli (272).

These impact statistics only emphasize one aspect of the bravery of Dhoni. As a Wicketkeeper he has 180 resignation (141 catches, 39 stumpings), a record that is unparalleled by everyone. His fast reflexes and agile glove work gave him the nickname “pickpocker” of the former Indian coach Ravi Shastri.

The “helicopter shot”, a flick-drive played on mid-wicket with a wrist flex of the bottom hand, became the characteristic blow of his Batting Barking.

The other remarkable aspect of his batting was his ability to control the competition, to take the innings deep, almost to the end, with a remarkable control over nerves and interspersed with explosive strokes. He also ran like a hare between Wickets, making him the best match winner in India in his first years.

grey-placeholderAFP MS Dhoni from India runs between the Wickets during game two of the One Day International Series between New Zealand and India in Bay Oval on January 26, 2019 in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. AFP

Dhoni ran like a hare between Wickets, making him an India's best match winner

Dhoni has the record for most IPL competitions such as Captain (210) and most victories (123), which lead CSK to five IPL titles and two Champions League titles.

He was also captain from India to three ICC titles: the T20 World Cup (2007), ODI World Cup (2011) and Champions Trophy (2013).

Moreover, his impact on test cricket is enormous, after he has played 90 tests and led India to the NO1 ICC ranking before his sudden pension Middle series in 2014-15.

Former Indian Captains Sunil Gavaskar and Shastri have often praised him as the best cricket player in India ever. Although this is open to debate, Dhoni is now generally recognized as Gavaskar, Sachin Tendulkar and Kapil Dev.

So what holds the current season for him?

The progress of age has taken a physical toll from Dhoni, although he remains mentally tough and very competitive. Last season he stepped away from his Finisher role, which he had kept since the start of the competition, and adjusted his approach to offer valuable cameies that could influence the outcome.

grey-placeholderGetty Images MS Dhoni of the Chennai Super Kings Bats during the Indian Premier League IPL Qualifier Final Match between the Delhi Capitals and the Chennai Super Kings in Aca-V-VDCA Stadium on 10 May 2019 in Visakhapatnam, India. Getty images

Dhoni has the record for most IPL competitions as captain and most victories, which lead CSK to five IPL titles

With the Impact Player Rule – with which teams can choose an extra specialist batter or bowler based on the game situation – now an integral part of the IPL, Dhoni could settle well in this role, while it remains a sounding board for the captain and mentor in a non -designed informal way.

For CSK, keeping Dhoni in the team is a no-brainer. His attraction extends beyond CSK fans and offers huge commercial and brand benefits to both the franchise and the IPL. As CSK says, an IPL without Dhoni is “unthinkable”.

This can limit the chances for young players, both Indian and overseas, but Ravi Shastri rejects this argument. “The competition works on the free market dynamics. Franchise owners are not sentimental – they know what is best for them, on and outside the field,” he says.

In the meantime, former India opener Robin Uthappa, who played under Dhoni for both India and CSK, warns rivals: “Write Dhoni at your own risk. We could still see some old magic.”

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