Suspended Georgia Football Lineman Marques Easley arrested after crash

A football player in Georgia who was suspended this week after crushing the front of his vehicle in an apartment complex in Watkinsville was arrested on Friday in Ocreee County.
Offensive lineman Marques Easley was accused of three counts of reckless behavior and one count of reckless driving, all crimes.
He was booked in the Ocreee County Jail at 4.35 pm Friday and released at 5:04 pm, according to an online booking report.
Research into troopers of the state said evidence suggested that Easley had made a drag, “according to a crash report obtained by the Athens Banner-Herald Friday.
Easley rode in a reckless contempt in a reckless contempt in a 2021 Dodge Challenger West on Redwood Lane Monday at about 10:07 am, when he lost control and started rotating with the clock and ran off the road before he hit a power distribution box with the front, according to a crash report of Georgia Public Safety Department.
He then hit the passenger side of a parked Hyundai Elantra 2013 with his driver's side. That ensured that the Elantra reached a parked 2018 Mercedes-Benz CLA. The parked cars were outside the Athens Ridge apartment complex.
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After Eastleys Dodge collided with the Elantra, the Dodge hit the front of an apartment, with his front to a final rest, the crash report said.
Easley, a Redshirt first -year student from Peoria, Illinois, said he lost control of the car and drove 25 to 30 miles per hour before the crash, the crash report said.
The inquiring troopers found that this was an inaccurate report of (what) happened because of the amount of damage caused by the crash and the fact that (the Dodge Challenger) had tires that went back 200 feet, the report said.
Easley was transferred to the regional hospital of Piedmont Athens, but no details were mentioned based on his injuries. Another football player and two members of the Georgia Women's Track and Field team were mentioned as passengers.
Eastley's judgment is the 32nd known incident by a football player in Georgia or a member of the support staff accused of speeding, riding or racing that go back to the death of January 15, 2023 Death by football player Devin Willock and supporting employee Chandler Lecroy.
They were killed in a quick crash in which the police said that Lecroy and former defensive Lineman of Georgia Jalen Carter race with more than 100 miles per hour. Lecroy appeared to have had an alcohol content in the blood of more than twice the legal limit.
Easley and broad recipient Nitro Tuggle were suspended indefinitely from team activities by Georgia on Thursday.
Tuggle was arrested in Athens at the beginning of Thursday for reckless driving and speed.
After announcing the suspensions of Tuggle and Easley on Thursday, Georgia Athletics said that it had no further comments.
(This story has been updated to add new information.)
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