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Collecting South Australian Cricket History

Collecting South Australian Cricket History



One of the great pleasures with collecting cricket items is chat with other collectors and sharing stories.

Jim Congdons Collection is the envy of every hard South Australian cricket fan. His love for the game turned into an extraordinary collection after he was inspired by his good friend, Lachlan Mcauliffe, who shares a similar passion for collecting CricketMemorabilia.

Saca and Redback Cricket shirts were the first items that found their way in Jims collection. Both men and women's play packages plus other clothing items remain at the top of the list when it is time to add to the collection. Jim said: I have gathered for almost 20 years. Locky (Lachlan) probably almost 30 years. I collect everything I can afford.

With more than 150 items, Jim says that his favorite piece in the collection is a Sheffield Shield shirt from Spencer Johnson. Asking why he chose this, Jim said, after he had seen Spencer Comeback of so much injuries and he was able to make his shield debut and now continue to the international career. Simply bloody ripper.

Together with Johnson's Shield Shirt, are the most valuable items that are gifted by Paul Nobes, Jason Gillespie, Joe Scuderi, Callum Ferguson, Amanda-Jade Wellington and Peter Mcintyre. Jim says this was a modest experience, both he and Locky were lucky that they are gifted pieces of players from the past – items that they may never have obtained anything else.

Known under his X (Twitter) Handle Redback Jim, the platform, in addition to Ebay, has been essential to grow his impressive collection. He has also taken over international shirts, including those of the Dutch international left-wing spinner Jacob-Jan Esmeijer, who has built Jim a close friendship via Twitter. Jim enjoys and appreciates the stories that hold these pieces, saying, to think that these shirts have traveled abroad and are now part of Lockys and my collection.

Jims collection includes playing shirts sporting names such as Gillespie, Scuderi, Nobes, McINTYRE, Johnson, Ferguson and Wellington. This collection has a special meaning for Jim, who has the opportunity to collect with his daughter, Zali, and his best partner, Locky, who recently entered into remission for an aggressive cancer.

When asked what a final of a Sheffield Shield means for Jim, he said, I am so happy that we made the final. Just knowing all the rewards and sacrifices of players, civil servants and families – absolutely excited for them. I cannot imagine what it means for the past to remember players from the past and to be able to work with fans again.

You can follow Jim on X – @Redbackjim




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