Germany vs. Italy Line -ups, Team News, Injures and more!

Match information:
Location: Signal Iduna Park, Dortmund, North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany
Kick -off: 8:45 pm Local time, 3.45 pm Est, 12:45 PST
Germany started the quarterfinals of the UEFA Nations League on the right track by beating Italy 2-1 in Milan, but the track is not nearly over because there is a return leg in Dortmund. If Germany goes to the next round, they will be confronted with Denmark or Portugal; The first has picked up a 1-0 win in Copenhagen with the second stage in Lisbon.
Team news
It seems that everyone has escaped injuries despite the rough first leg, so go with something different than a little different:

Oliver Baumann retains his place after a solid outing in the first stage. The defense for him should look like this, from left to right: David Raum, Nico Schlotterbeck, Antonio Rdiger and Joshua Kimmich who will try to build on his MOTM performance in Milan. Angelo Stiller was supposed to start the first game, but for the reasons it was unknown in favor of Pascal Gro, who was not particularly impressive. The former husband of Bayern Munich should be Leon Goretzka in the pivot point. For the attack it is time to channel the inner Julian Nagelsmann and to go with a scandalous front four from Jamal Musiala, Deniz undav, Leroy San and Tim Kleindienst.
Do you have suggestions for the starting XI? Go to the commentary and let us know!
While you are here, consider giving our post game show (of the first stage) a luster below or on Spotify:
This is what we have on tap:
- A look at the starting XI and our thoughts about the rotation.
- An overview of the score and replacements.
- Some last thoughts and take -away restaurants about the competition.
Also make sure that you stay up to date with Bavarian Podcast Works for all your current coverage on Bayern Munich and Germany. View us on Patreon And follow us on twitter @bavarianfbworks, @bavarian podcast, @thebarrelblog, @rayyantwt, @enadmo1135, @tommyadams71 and more.
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