Cricket has a new superhero: Rudaneil Sengupta writes on Glenn Phillips

Virat Kohli looked like Hed saw a spirit.

Eyebrrauwen knitting, his mouth a grim line, he stared at point for a moment before he shook his head very lightly and walked back to the pavilion.
New Zealand Glenn Phillips had just taken a catch that bewildered Kohli and, to be honest, all others are watching. He went to the right at full rack, flying, flying, flying, through the air like a bird of prey and grabs the ball halfway through the flight.
The Kohli ball was not The only Superman Catch Phillips joined the recently closed Champions Trophy. He used another, almost its mirror image, to dismiss Pakistan and Mohammad Rizwan; Then another one in the final against India, jumps and reaches high above him, to remove Shubman Gill. (India eventually won of course.)
There is little doubt, even in a cricket era in which athletic, agile field is the norm, that Glenn Phillips is the best field player in the world.
The sight of him in that flying jump sent a powerful lightning strike of a memory through my thoughts: from watching the big Yonty Rhodes, confused blond her flan, bright green flannel around him and doing things on the cricket field that nobody had done before.
Only a few months after his international debut in 1992, Rhodes changed the world of Fielding Forever.
Until then it had been the aspect of the game that deserved the least respect. Many great batters and great bowlers detained in contempt.
Nobody could keep doing that after looking at Rhodes in action. He proved that this was an art form in itself. That it could be a calling. That it could change from competitions such as a great bowling spell or a great innings.
As shorter sizes of the game became popular, Fielding became more important. And while the modern athletics and fitness training in Cricket Siss (it was one of the last major team sports in the world to embrace top athletic training), great field players were more common.
For example, the World Cup T20 2024 was full of fantastic field efforts.
Think of Suryakumar Yadav who runs full tilt and a ball palms, certainly meant for a six! While it flew over the border, it hit back into the playing field, jumped over the rope and completed a catch that handed India the cup.
Great fielding requires the use of any skill that makes a great athlete:
* Anticipation: The only feature that someone makes a better field player expects every ball to come to you, Rhodes ever said in an interview. Commentators then talked about my good expectation while playing. I had no faster reflexes than the others. It was no case that I saw the ball earlier. I just expected that every game would come to me. I was ready before the ball was hit.
* Focus: A good field player keeps an eye on the ball from the moment he leaves the bowler until he is in a field game in a field. The more indications you can get before the batsman touches the ball, the better – whether it's the shape of the shot or whatever, former English cricket player Paul Collingwood, another Superman field player, once said.
* Timing and reflexes, who also ask for elasticity, agility and strength: how quickly should people move? How high do you have to jump? Exactly when should someone hand out sticking to hold onto the ball and then jump, dive, roll, reach or throw?
The best field players in the world are those who have fast feet, who are very strong in the thighs, and who pick up the ball and move their coordination with the hips, Collingwood once said.
No wonder Phillips, who was a gymnast as a boy, is so good at it. It will be a pleasure to see him in action, play for the Gujarat Titans, in the current Indian Premier League (IPL).
(To reach Rudaneil Sengupta with feedback, e -Mail
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