Playoff Push: Lawrenceville Lock-in! | Butterfly online

(By: Major League Table Tennis)
Lock -in for Lawrenceville
MLTT's regular season finale!
The regular season finale is here and the make-or-break for the playoff teams! By March 2123 bee Rider University in Lawrenceville, NJ, the Princeton -Revolutionled by Jinxin WangFighting to defend home grass and to enclose a place for the championship weekend. But it's not just local pride on the lineSeattle Spinners Adi Sareen returns home to take on Olympians such as Lily Zhang And Your neck
Here the weekend schedule is full Matchups that you don't want to miss!
Friday March 21
Seattle vs. Bay Area4 pm CT |View Live|Result
Chicago vs. Princeton7 pm CT |View Live|Result
Saturday March 22
Seattle vs. Chicago4 pm CT |View Live|Result
Bay Area vs. Princeton7 pm CT |View Live|Result
Sunday March 23
Chicago vs. Bay Area11 am CT |View Live|Result
Seattle vs. Princeton2 pm CT |View Live|Result
Official week 12 gratings:
Every New Jersey competition will be Bea this weekend High-Stakes Showdown Between part of the The world's best table tennis players.Just look at the Line -ups of Week 12 and their League Power Rankings:
Princeton -Revolution
Jinxin Wang (no. 17)
Jishan Liang (no. 51)
Mathieu de Santilan (no. 23)
Ievgen prysshepa (no. 36)
Koyo Kanamitsu (no. 25)
Wensheng Wei (No. 48)
Sport (No. 5)
Jiankshan Gao (no. 38)
Seattle Spinners
Senura Silva (no. 70)
Your neck (no. 13)
Adi Sareen (no. 34)
Hots Omodia (N. 40)
Andrew Cao (no. 68)
Ubomr Pitej (no. 8)
Debora Vivarelli (no. 59)
Thiago Monteiro (no. 56)
Bay Area Blasters
Elsayed Lashin (no. 28)
Lily Zhang (no. 33)
Jinbao Ma (no. 46)
Wenzhang Tao (no. 37)
Taehyun Kim (no. 10)
Kheith Rhynne Cruz (no. 45)
Eric Jouti (no. 29)
Quays XU (no. 20)
Chicago wind
Damien Provost (no. 35)
Daniele Pinto (no. 54)
Alex Cazacu (no. 42)
Daniel Tran (No. 67)
Lebesson Hand (No. 11)
Mo Zhang (no. 14)
Sean Zhang (no. 26)
Tom Feng (no. 32)
Play -Off photo
It is a game when we go into the last part and our positions are tighter than ever. View how the rankings While we are preparing for the MLTT championship weekend.
Come with us Philadelphia on April 12 and 13 At St. Josephs University for an unforgettable championship weekend. See how the promotion unfolds while the top players are confronted for a shot at $ 50,000 in prize money and to leave their mark in the table tennis history.
Your tickets are waiting – don't miss it!
New teams, new equipment
The buzz around our expansion teams is growing, and Their Merchand has just fallen!
Go to MLTT's official league shop to keep fresh equipment for the New York Slice and the Atlanta Blazers. We have everything, from hats to hoodies and official uniforms to get ready for their 3 -debut season.
Live now for order in advance: Official slice and blazers T-shirts! Press those buttons below to lock your piece of this exclusive, limited release before it is gone!
Follow the promotion
ICYMI: MLTT has taken over the spring training, with Putten MLB stars to the ultimate table tennis test!
Make sure you are always part of the promotion by following UsonInstagram” YouTube“ And Tap“ And all your favorite social platforms.
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