No. 2 Ohio State, no. 1 Wisconsin to play for national title
Date: March 23, 2025
Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Knight Arena
Live Statistics:
Schedules: Ohio State | Wisconsin
Game remarks: Ohio State | Wisconsin
Columbus, Ohio The No. 2 Seed Ohio State Women's Hockey will defend its National Championship in the Frozen Four Championship Game Sunday 23 March against No. 1 Seed Wisconsin. De Buckeyes (28-7-3, 19-6-3 WCA) and Dassen (37-1-2, 25-1-2 WCHA) are out at 4 p.m. from Ridder Arena in Minneapolis, Minn.
The game is broadcast on ESPNU with Jason Ross Jr. AJ Mleczko and Blake Bolden during the call.
Live statistics can be found on
Ohio State in the NC Women's Ice Hockey Tournament
- Ohio State went on to the national title game with a 4-2 victory over no. 3 Seed Cornell in Friday's semi-final.
- The Buckeyes have been to four consecutive title matches and this year the third consecutive they play Wisconsin for a National Championship. Ohio State won his first national title in 2022 with a 3-2 victory over Minnesota Duluth. The last two seasons, the Buckeyes and Badgers played on 1-0 decisions in which Wisconsin took the game in 2023 and Ohio State won in 2024.
- This year is the fifth consecutive journey from the Buckeyes to the Frozen Four. The team has been up to six frozen four in program history 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025, where they all took place during Nadine in AgeellThe nine -year term of office as head coach.
- The National Championship Game 2025 also marks the 23rd time that a WCA team plays for a national title.
- Ohio State is now 12-3 always in the NCAA tournament.
Buckeyes in a nutshell
- Emma Peschel was called a second team All-American by the AHCA on Saturday. The honor is the first of her career. Peschel leads the team with 41 blocked shots this season and leads a Buckeye Blue Line that has held its opponents to 2.03 goals per match and under 19 shots per match.
- Joy DunneDie the NC Championship Tournament of 2025 leads with a program record seven points, has also recorded a program record 61 points on the year. She has scored a team-high 28 goals and 33 assists to become the first Buckeye player that scores 60+ points in one season.
- Jocelyn Tem Is close behind Dunne with 27 goals in the year. She leads the team with 10 Power Play goals. The Ailsa Craig, Ont. Native is one of the three players in the NCAA this season with more than 500 Faceoff victories. Amos' 505 victories at the DOT set up her profit percentage .667 for the year. The attacker is also second in the team with 37 blocked shots.
- Makenna Websterwho recorded the first goal of Friday's semi -final, has scored in all three frozen four semi -final matches of her career in Ohio State. She has two goals and three assists for five points in the 2025 tournament.
- Amos, thin and Makenna Webster He played on the same line in the first two NCAA tournament matches this year each recorded at least one point in all five of the postsease matches of the Buckeyes.
- In just before the buckeyes, Amanda Thiele played in 28 games and started at 27 in the year. She is 20-6-2 with a .887 savings percentage. She has earned a 7-1-0 record in eight tournament games that are played for her career. She previously played in the national title games of the Buckeyes in 2022 and 2023.
- The bank boss for the Buckeyes is the ninth -year head coach Nadine in Ageell. She is the winning coach of the program with a record of 224-80-22. All NCAA tournament -performances of the team have been reached in the career of Muzerall in the state of Ohio. Under her guidance, Ohio State becomes the third team in the 26-year history of the championship to continue to four straight title competitions. Wisconsin went to four directly from 2006-2009 and Minnesota recently went to five consecutive title matches of 2012-2016.
- Hockey Canada announced his selection on Friday for the World Championships 2025 IIHF World Championships. Playing for Canada in the tournament are Jenn Gardiner ('24), Sophie Jaques ('23), Emma Maltais ('23) and Natalie Spooner ('12). This is the first world championship for Gardiner and Jaques. Thin and Barular Barnes ('24) were mentioned in the schedule of the United States. The tournament will be held from 9-20 April in České Budejovice, the Czech Republic.
Serial history Buckeyes vs. Bathgers
- Sunday's game is the fifth time this season Ohio State and Wisconsin will record it.
- Ohio State is the only team that has defeated Wisconsin in regulations this season.
- The Buckeyes ended the regular season 1-2-1 against the badgers. The teams have already met on neutral ice, with a view of the Frozen Rigines Big ten Hockey series that played outdoors on Wigley Field. The game ended in a 3-3 tie, but Ohio State won the seven-round shootout.
- The national title competition is also the fourth time that the teams have met in the NCAA tournament.
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