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Rajasthan Royals: 153/3 (13.2) | SRH vs RR IPL 2025 Match 2 – Live Cricket Score, Full Scorecard, Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad

Rajasthan Royals: 153/3 (13.2) | SRH vs RR IPL 2025 Match 2 – Live Cricket Score, Full Scorecard, Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium, Hyderabad



The Cricket Festival that we all know well with the name Indian Premier League is back with a bang for his 18th season in 2025 and the teams, together with the fans worldwide, will prepare for a few months of entertaining cricket action. In Match 2 of IPL 2025, the second -year students of last season is going on Hyderabad against Rajasthan Royals in the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium in what will also be the first double header of the season. Two teams that have done well in the last seasons of the IPL, where SRH reaches new heights in terms of setting up the colossal total on the board and after a few seasons in the play -offs, RR missed a top 4 finish last time and will be looking for the title mix. Let's talk a bit more about how these two teams did in the mega auction that was held a few months prior to the 2025 season. SRH retained the core group of skipper Pat Cummins, Abhishek Sharma, Travis Head, Heinrich Klaasen and Nitish Kumar Reddy who really stimulated them in the Summit Clash of 2025. They left Pacer Bhuveneshwar Kumar, a headstroke from the side of the side of the side of the side of the side to -side from the side to -side from the side of Mohammed. Replacements. Ishan Kishan is another name that SRH has added to the Mix to strengthen that stubborn batting line-up, but former skipper Aiden Markram was released for the auction. They miss a bit with regard to finger spinners, but have a few seasoned leggies in the form of Adam Zampa and Rahul Chahar to get the job done. It will be interesting to see if Kamindu Mendis and Wian Mulder who have done well lately will receive a competition for the other seasoned overseas campaigners. Rajasthan Royals, on the other hand, also kept their skipper Sanju Samson together with people like Yashasvi Jaiswal, Riyan Parag and Dhruv Jurget, which ensures a strong Indian stroke core. However, their fine bowling attack has now been overhauled with people like Ashwin, Boult and Chahal, all continue to different teams. They have replaced that attack by Jofra Archer, Tushar Deshpande, the Lankan spin duo of Maheesh Theekshana and Wanindu Hasaranga together with Sandep Sharma who was already there from the past season. Shimron Hetmyer will also be part of RR again, while they look like a well -rounded side on paper, they might miss a large overseas name on the batting front in the top order. Last season we saw SRH breaking a lot of Batting records and most of them were in their home location, so we can expect a high scoring affair, but since it is a day play, there might not be much difference in the two innings. Who do you think their season will start with a victory? Will it be Sunrisers Hyderabad? Or will it be Rajasthan Royals to spoil the party for the home team?




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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