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Catamount Football held a light scrimmage on Saturday

Catamount Football held a light scrimmage on Saturday



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Consequently, NC Western Carolina Football reached the center of his annual spring exercises on Saturday morning when the team held its first scrimmage session and for about two hours on the grass work at the EJ Whitmire Stadium / Bob Waters Field trained.

Opening under cool morning temperatures and training under crystal clear sky, Saturday's light scrimmage included just over 75 in total plays with both parties that showed progress and highlights, because repetitions were spread over a large part of the schedule.

WCU's defense came with three take -away restaurants, including interceptions by second -year DB Hasa to Sykes and recurring senior db Armond Andersonwhile lb Blue Monroe Recovered a mess when the ball was placed on the carpet. Redshirt Junior Safety Ja'morri Downing Also forced a mess under the highlights.

At attack, Quarterback Taron Dickens threw a touchdown pass to WR Malik KnightWith Redshirt First -year QB Isaac Lee Connect to WR De'andre Tamarez The representatives split for a scoring such as four QB's. Participate in Dickens and Lee were back Bennett Judy and early registered, real freshmen Jordan Martin-Durham. WCU's attack split in hasty repetitions between different running backs, while both units rotated through different pairs along the line of scrimmage.

Western Carolina returns to the practice field on the afternoon of Tuesday 25 March, for the first of three weekly exercises Tuesday, Thursday and Friday prior to the next scrimmage on Saturday 29 March. Unless stated otherwise, every WCU -Spring Football Training is open to the public. It is asked respectfully that spectators observe from the sitting area of ​​the stadium and prevent them from being on the field or on the sidelines.

Note the addition of building screens around the west side of the stadium and stadium parking space that limit access points as building plans forThe West -Skybox and Whitmire West projectsStart to rise this spring.

Season tickets for the Six-Game Home 2025 schedule are now for sale via the Catamount Athletics Ticket Office and start at only $ 96 for adults and $ 66 for youth 12 years and younger. A Catamount Family Four -Pack with two reserved season tickets for adults, and two youth reserved season tickets are only $ 250 that is less than $ 11 per ticket.The extended deadline for the return seasonal card holders is quickly approaching on April 30, 2025.

Fans can buy tickets via the Catamount Athletics Ticket Office, located on the first floor of the Ramsey Center, or by telephone from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., can also be purchased online

The unofficial opening of the Socon Football scheme of 2025 starts with Socon Media Day on Tuesday 22 July 2025 in Greenville, SC Details related to the event will be released on a future date.

Keep track of Catamount Football and WCU Athletics via its social media on Facebook (, Twitter (@catamounts, @catamountsfb) and Instagram (WCU_Catamounts).

Catamount Football Spring Practice schedule:
Practice 8:Tuesday, March 25, 4:15 PM 6.30 pm (full pads)
March 26, 2025 One day before Western– day of giving
Practice 9:Thursday, March 27, 4:15 PM 6:30 PM (Bovenwerk)
Practice 10:Friday, March 28 16.15 6.30 pm (upper)
Practice 11:Saturday March 29 at 10:00 am (full pads/scrimmage)
Practice 12:Tuesday, April 1, 4:15 PM 6:30 PM (full pads)
Exercise 13:Thursday, April 3, 4:15 PM 6:30 PM (Bovenwerk)
Practice 14:Friday, April 4, 4:15 PM 6:30 PM (helmet only)
Practice 15:Saturday, April 5, afternoon Spring game (Full pads/scrimmage
Wednesday April 30– return Football season ticket Innovation deadline

One day before Western - 2025 - Slider




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