2025 NCAA DIII Men Hockey Championship: Bracket, Scheme, How to Watch

The iii Ice Hockey Championship 2025 started on Saturday 15 March. Fourteen teams made the tournament, with 10 teams that received automatic qualifications and four bids that received large bids in the tournament.
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Hobart is the double defending champion. The Staatsmen defeated Trinity (CT), 2-0 in the Koeppel Community Sports Center in Hartford, CT in 2024.
2025 NCAA DIII Men's Ice Hockey Championship Bracket
View the layout of the tournament in the brackets of 2025 below:
Discover the interactive tournament polish | Printing bracket
2025 NCAA Division III Ice Hockey Championship schedule for men
*All times mentioned in Eastern Standard Time
Semi -finals Friday March 28
- Championship game Sunday March 30
- First round games Saturday March 15
- Quarterfinals | Saturday March 22
Division III Ice Hockey Championship History for men
Hobart is the dual title defender National Champion after beating Trinity 2-0 in the Championship game 2024.
Here is the complete championship history of the III ice hockey tournament for men:
Year | Champion | Coach | Score | Second place | Host of site |
2024 | Hobart (28-2-1) | Mark Taylor | 2-0 | Trinity (CT) | Hartford, CT |
2023 | Hobart (29-2) | Mark Taylor | 3-2 (OT) | Adrian | BEVERLY, MA |
2022 | Adrian (31-1) | Adam Krug | 5-2 | Suny Geneseo | Lake Placid, NY |
2021 | Canceled from COVID-19 | – | – | – | – |
2020 | Canceled from COVID-19 | – | – | – | – |
2019999999999999999999999999999999999999999111 2019 2019 2019 20199999 E Were991999999999999983111113313313111111115222222221111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 box -11111111111As11111As1As1a's1a's1a's1a's1a's d1a's dam that 'to | Wisconsin-Stevens Point (29-0-2) | Tyler Krugeer | 3-2 (OT) | Norwich | Stevens Point, Wi |
2018 | St. Norbert (27-4-1) | Tim Coghlin | 3-2 (2o) | Save Regina | Lake Placid, NY |
2017 | Norwich (27-1-3) | Mike Mcshane | 4-1 | Trinity (Conn.) | Utica, NY |
2016 | Wisconsin-Stevens Point (23-5-2) | Chris Brooks | 5-1 | St. Norbert | Lake Placid, NY |
2015 | Trinity (Conn.) (25-3-1) | Matthew Greason | 5-2 | WIS.-Stevens Point | Minneapolis |
2014 | St. Norbert (28-3-1) | Tim Coghlin | 3-1 | WIS.-Stevens Point | Lewiston, Maine |
2013 | Wisconsin-Eeau Claire (24-5-2) | Matt Loen | 5-3 | Oswego State | Lake Placid, NY |
2012 | St. Norbert (21-5-5) | Tim Coghlin | 4-1 | Oswego State | Lake Placid, NY |
2011 | St. Norbert (25-4-1) | Tim Coghlin | 4-3 | Adrian | Minneapolis |
2010 | Norwich (26-1-4) | Mike Mcshane | 2-1 (OT) | St. Norbert | Lake Placid, NY |
2009 | Neumann (21-9-2) | Dominick Dawes | 4-1 | Gustavus Adolphus | Lake Placid, NY |
2008 | St. Norbert (27-1-4) | Tim Coghlin | 2-0 | Plattsburgh State | Lake Placid, NY |
2007 | Oswego State (23-3-3) | Ed Hungry | 4-3 (OT) | Middlebury | Wisconsin-Superior |
2006 | Middlebury (26-2-2) | Bill Beaney | 3-0 | St. Norbert | Elmira |
2005 | Middlebury (23-4-3) | Bill Beaney | 5-0 | St. Thomas (Minn.) | Middlebury |
2004 | Middlebury (27-3) | Bill Beaney | 1-0 (OT) | St. Norbert | Norwich |
2003 | Norwich (27-3) | Mike Mcshane | 2-1 | Oswego State | Norwich |
2002 | Wisconsin-Superior (24-5-5) | Then Stauber | 3-2 (OT) | Norwich | Middlebury |
2001 | Plattsburgh State (29-5) | Bob Emery | 6-2 | Rochester Institute | Rochester Institute |
20000000000000000000000100 | Norwich (29-2-1) | Mike Mcshane | 2-1 | St. Thomas (Minn.) | Wisconsin-Superior |
199999s | Middlebury (21-5-1) | Bill Beaney | 5-0 | Wisconsin-Superior | Norwich |
1998 | Middlebury (24-2-2) | Bill Beaney | 2-1 | Wisconsin-Stevens Point | Plattsburgh State |
1997 | Middlebury (22-3-2) | Bill Beaney | 3-2 | Wisconsin-Superior | Middlebury |
1996 | Middlebury (26-2-0) | Bill Beaney | 3-2 | Rochester Institute | Wisconsin-River Falls |
1995 | Middlebury (23-2-2) | Bill Beaney | 1-0 | Fredonia State | Middlebury |
1994 | Wisconsin-River Falls (21-8-4) | Dean News | 6-4 | Wisconsin-Superior | Wisconsin-Superior |
1993 | Wisconsin-Stevens Point (25-5-2) | Joe Baldarotta | 4-3 (OT) | Wisconsin-River Falls | Maplewood, Minn. |
1992 | Plattsburgh State (32-2-2) | Bob Emery | 7-3 | Wisconsin-Stevens Point | Plattsburgh State |
1991 | Wisconsin-Stevens Point (27-9) | Mark Mazzoleni | 6-2 | Minnesota State-Mankato | Elmira |
1990000000000000000. | Wisconsin-Stevens Point (28-4-6) | Mark Mazzoleni | 10-1, 3-6, 1-0 | Plattsburgh State | Wisconsin-Stevens Point |
1989 | Wisconsin-Stevens Point (34-5-2) | Mark Mazzoleni | 3-3, 3-2 | Rochester Institute | Rochester Institute |
1988 | Wisconsin-River Falls (31-6-1) | Rick Kozuback | 7-1, 3-5, 3-0 | Elmira | Elmira |
1987 | #Plattsburgh State (34-6) | Steve Hoar | 8-3 | Oswego State | Plattsburgh State |
1986 | Bemidji State (25-9-1) | RH Peters | 8-5 | #Plattsburgh State | Bemidji -State |
1985 | Rochester Institute (26-6) | Bruce Delventhal | 5-1 | Bemidji -State | Union (NY) |
1984 | Babson (27-5-1) | Rob Riley | 8-0 | Union (NY) | Rochester Institute |
#Participation in the tournament leave by the NCAA committee for violations.
Sources 2/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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