Massimo Costantini names WTT Star Competent Favorites while Chennai is preparing to witness some exciting table tennis

India chief coach Massimo Costantini, who had just returned to India with the National Table Tennis team after a training camp of a week in Sweden, said that he is looking forward to a number of exciting rounds of table tennis, with the WTT starder Chennai that started on Thursday.
The 66-year-old Italian picked Japanese Tomokazu Harimoto and Hina Hayata as the favorites in gentlemen and ladies singles, but insisted that it would not be easy for them.
The Japanese are the most likely winners here. I do not base my judgment on this tournament, but I see their performances in the past year. Harimoto is the ruling Asian champion and he has defeated many Chinese top players. That said, he can find obstacles along the way. Japanese Hina Hayata is the favorite in the women's section. She is not unbeatable because Satsuki Odo (Japan) and Taipeis can stop cheng-i-ching Hina, he said.
According to Massimo, Indians can reach the round of 16 or the quarterfinals in Singles in Chennai. All top eight to 10 arranged players in the field are very strong because they have the habit of winning, which the Indians still don't have. We have to bridge the gap to get that kind of confidence. The WTT starter is a good opportunity for Indians to beat players with a higher ranked. If they have a favorable draw, Indians can enter the last 16 or quarterfinals, the 66-year-old said on Sunday while training coaches for the Dream Sports Foundation U-15 Championships.
Read: WTT starrender Chennai 2025: participants in the Indian Wildcard revealed; Sharath Kamal to play a farewell match
His next big challenge, Massimo said, are the world championships (individual) that are held in Doha from 17 to 25 May. The lock for the fourth (singles) player in the world championships has yet to be decided. I will accept a phone call after seeing their versions in Chennai. The gentlemen double a few Manush Shah and Manav Thakkar is ranked nine world, and I hope it reaches the quarterfinals. I believe that the mixed Doubles couple Manush and DIYA Chital, World Rank 11, can do well in worlds, he said.
His third Stint, said that the head coach was different from the previous one and in his current Avatar, wants to put together Massimo a great team environment.
There was a gap between six years between my second (2018) and third Stint as a coach. There are many events underway: the world championships, the Asian team championships that are probably held in India from 11 to 15 October and the Mixed Team World Cup in Chengdu from November 30 to December 7. All these and other events will be an opportunity for us to bring the team together and to get the common feeling that we are stronger than are separated. I want to create a strong and effective team again, he said.
My memories with Sharath start from 2009. – Massimo Costantini | Photocredit: K. Ananthan/The Hindu
My memories with Sharath start from 2009. – Massimo Costantini | Photocredit: K. Ananthan/The Hindu
Massimo picked up the veteran Paddler when he was asked about the pension of Sharath Kamals after the WTT star Render Chennai event. He said: I would miss him. My memories with him start from 2009. We had a great time in the 2010 Commonwealth Games and a historic Asian games in 2018 when we won two medals. Of course, when Sharath is nearby, he offers a comfort zone for everyone. He is more than a player, more than a team captain. He is the only player with whom everyone wants to be with. We need people like him.
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