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Tennessee State University calls Reggie Barlow as main football coach

Tennessee State University calls Reggie Barlow as main football coach



Nashville Tennessee State University is proud to announce the appointment of Reggie Barlow as the 23rd main football coach in program history. Barlow, a proven leader with extensive coaching experience and a championship tribe, brings a wealth of knowledge and a history of success at both professional and collegial levels.

Barlow joins TSU after a striking term as head coach of the DC defenders of the UFL, where he led the team to a competition-best 9-1 record and a champion match in 2023. His remarkable leadership earned him 2023 XFL Coach of the Year Honors.

Under his leadership, the defenders produced seven All-XFL players, including Offensive Player of the Year Jordan Ta'amu, most of each team in the competition. His team dominated on the ground, led the competition in hasty yards (1,490) and hasty touchdowns (18), while he defensively arranged second ranks in bags (29) and first in Pick-Sixes (4).

“Unbelievable! The chance to be State University at Tennessee, with its rich history, tradition and legacy of amazing players and coaches, it is really an honor to follow in their footstep, Barlow said.” I am humiliated, blessed, blessed and further extracted! A huge thank you to director of Athletics Dr. Mikki Allen, President Tucker, President Tucker, I'm ready to get through! So, let me ask me … Do you like football? “

For his success with the defenders, Barlow was six seasons as head coach at Virginia State University. He wrote history in 2017, leading the Trojan horses to their first undefeated season in school history and winning the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association (CIAA) championship. His efforts earned him Ciaa coach of the year.

Barlow started his collegial coaching career at his Alma Mater Alabama State University as a Quarterback coach for two seasons and head coach for eight seasons. During his time at the helm he led the Hornets to a record of 49-42 and three Swac East Division titles while developing striking quarterbacks such as Super Bowl XLVII champion Tarvaris Jackson. His influence went beyond victories and losses, because his teams also excelled in the classroom, with a graduation percentage of 80%.

As a player, Barlow was a striking broad receiver and return specialist in the state of Alabama before being selected in the fourth round of the NFL design of 1996 by the Jaguars of Jacksonville. During his NFL career, he played for the Jaguars, Oakland Raiders and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who led the competition in Punt Return Yards in 1998 and earned a Pro Bowl -alternative selection. He closed his gaming career by winning Super Bowl XXXVII with the Buccaneers in 2002.

“The appointment of Reggie Barlow as the main football coach of TSU is a proof of his dedication to the football game and his deep-rooted passion for the development of young athletes. With a rich legacy as a player and coach, Barlow is ready to lead the TSU football program in new heights, a culture of exemption and success that both players,” all of the players.

Barlow takes a TSU program and would like to defend his share in the OVC-Big South Championship. The Tigers reached the NCAA FCS play -offs for the first time since 2013 and claimed their first conference title since 1999. TSU plays eight home games in 2025 Starting with the John Merritt Classic on 30 August against North Carolina A&T.

A press conference to introduce Coach Reggie Barlow takes place in Nissan Stadium on Monday 24 March at 11 am. Fans and media are encouraged to participate if he shares his vision on the program.

For more information about TSU football, visit tsutigers.comor @tsutigers on social media. A live stream will be available on the TSU Tigers YouTube channel.




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