Frozen Four: Here are the 16 teams that made the 2025 NCAA Men's Tournament

The field is set for the 2024 ADA Mens Hockey Tournament, because the 16 teams that are still alive have solidified their selections on the way to the frozen four. The only thing to be revealed is which regionals each of the 16 teams will play. That will be announced during the NCAA selection show on ESPNU and ESPN+ at 3 p.m. et on Sunday.
The regionals will be played from Thursday and will be performed up to and including Sunday with the NCAA Mens Frozen 2025 four set for 10-12 April in St. Louis.
Here is who will coordinate to find out where they will play later this week.
Which teams have it made the 2025 NCAA Mens Hockey Tournament?
Here are the 16 teams that have reached the NCAA tournament.
- Boston College
- Michigan State
- Maine
- West -Michigan
- Minnesota
- UConn
- Boston University
- Providence
- Denver
- Ohio State
- Umass
- Penn State
- Quinnipiac
- Minnesota State
- Cornell
- Bentley
Although there is a fixed order of seeds, the regionals do not always go through straight bracket panels. The selection committee has a series of parameters that it uses to place teams in specific regionals.
Under the criteria, the committee tries to prevent opponents from the same conference in the first round. In addition, schools that organize a regional organization will be placed in that region. This year Penn State is the guest school for the regional in Allentown, Pa., And will be placed there. Other considerations, including travel distance and what would be best for presence, are also considered when making every regional bracket.
Which teams received automatic bids for the NCAA hockey tournament?
Conference tournament champions For each of the six conferences in NCAA Mens Hockey, receive an automatic offer for the National Tournament.
Tournament camps
- Hockey East: Maine
- NCHC: Western Michigan
- Big ten: Michigan State
- ECAC: Cornell
- Ccha: Minnesota State
- Atlantic Hockey America: Bentley
Which team is the number 1 seed in the NCAA Mens Hockey Tournament?
For the second consecutive year, Boston College is the number 1 general seed in the NCAA Mens Hockey Tournament. BC won the Hockey East title, but was bumped from the quarterfinals of the tournament. Nevertheless, the Eagles was number 1 in the purple rankings, which determines the NCAA field.
The Eagles are led by Hobey Baker candidate and the top scorer in the NCAA Ryan Leonard (WSH) and Superstar Sophomore -goalkeeper Jacob Fowler (MTL), who has a .940 savings percentage this season.
UConn makes the NCAA Mens Hockey Tournament for the first time
UConn has had a remarkable season and their selection of the NCAA tournament 2025 is historic. This is the first time that the huskies have ever been on the dance. Head coach Mike Cavanaugh was named Hockey Easts coach of the year and the Huskies has rather close, but now they can finally take this gigantic leap for their program.
They are one of the six hockey East teams who play in the tournament in what has been a special season for the conference.
Bentley deserves the very first berth for the NCAA hockey tournament for Herenheren
In a shocking Atlantic Hockey America Championship game here on Flohockey, Bentley knew an early 2-0 deficit to the Holy Cross with a second period of three goals. They scored three more in the third and earned a 6-3 victory on the Crusaders. The victory gave Bentley his first trip to the NCAA tournament in Division I Herenhockey.
The Falcons are the Atlantic Hockey Champions !!!!
A 6-3 victory over Holy Cross and Bentley goes to the NCAA tournament!
Bentley Athletics (@Bentleyfalcons) March 23, 2025
Who were the last teams from the tournament?
Automatic bids are often at the expense of teams that were in the top 16 of the purple rankings. With the ECAC champion and Atlantic Hockey champions from outside the top 16, that meant that the last two teams from the Michigan and Arizona State tournament were.
The only one of those two teams who entered the conference championship weekend with a chance of a large berth was Michigan. However, as soon as Quinnipiac had been beaten out of the ECAC tournament, it meant that one of Cornell or Clarkson would come in, pushing the Wolverines out.
In the meantime, the state of Arizona finished 16th in pairs, despite an impressive first season in the NCHC that saw them finish second in the challenging conference. Losing a few non-conference ultimately cost them their place. When they lost to defending the National Denver champion in the semi -final of NCHC, that effectively ended their season despite the ailments of a place in dance.
Where are the NCAA regional this year?
The 2025 NCAA Mens Hockey Regionals are in four different cities.
- Allentown, Pa. | PPL Center
- Toledo, Ohio | Huntington Center
- Manchester, NH | SNHU Arena
Where is the 2025 men frozen four?
St. Louis organizes the NCAA Mens Frozen in 2025 in Enterprise Center, the home of the NHLS St. Louis Blues.
The semi -final will be played on Thursday 10 April, while the national champion match will be played on Saturday 12 April.
Men's Frozen Four 2025 -Scheme
Thursday, April 10
4 pm CT semi -final 1 Enterprise Center | St. Louis, Mo.
19:30 CT CT Semi -Final 2 Enterprise Center | St. Louis, Mo.
Men's Frozen Four 2025 National Championship schedule
Saturday April 12
6.30 pm CT CT National Championship Game Enterprise Center | St. Louis, Mo.
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