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Roundup in high school before March 22, 2025: Seneca Valley wins Pennsylvania Cup hockey title

Roundup in high school before March 22, 2025: Seneca Valley wins Pennsylvania Cup hockey title



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Saturday March 22, 2025 | 10:39 pm

Seneca Valley needed three overflowing and almost 90 minutes of hockey to win the PIHL Class 3A Penguins Cup Championship last Monday.

On Saturday there was much less drama – but just as much party.

Braden Morin scored a hat trick and Jimmy Murtha yielded a few goals to lead Seneca Valley to a 7-2 victory over Holy Ghost Prep to win the 3A Pennsylvania Cup class in RMU Island Sports Center.

That does not mean that there was no drama at all.

Ethan Riffe, Morin and Marshall Hewitt then scored Seneca Valley to a 3-0 lead, but Flyers Cup champion Holy Ghost PrEP reacted by scoring twice to make it a match of one goal.

Then Murtha scored twice and Morin added two more goals to give Seneca Valley a comfortable lead – and the first state championship of the school.

Garnet Valley 7, Avonworth 2 – Nolan Stott and Kevin Walton each gathered two goals and two assists to lead Garnet Valley to a class A Pennsylvania Cup Championship. After Jake Morrow Garnet Valley gave a 1-0 lead in the first period, Bond Avonworth's Cooper Powell stuck it. The goal of Kaden Longo gave Garnet Valley the lead for good and opened the locks. Austin Dzavdovsky also scored for Avonworth.

North Penn 4, Cathedral PrEP 1 – James Boyle scored the go-ahead goal with 6:39 in the third period to lead North Penn to a class 2A Pennsylvania Cup title. Samuel Norton, Daniel Cabrales and Nolan Single also scored for North Penn, who had four goals of the third period. Tucker Kinnear scored in the second period to give Cathedral Prep a 1-0 lead.

Boy's volleyball

North Allegheny Tournament – Latrobe won the North Allegheny Boys Volleyball Tournament and defeated Manheim Central in the final.

After 1-1 in the opening round of the swimming pool game, Latrobe was thrown into the silver swimming pool and went 5-1. The Wildcats defeated Fox Chapel in the provisional round, Canon-McMillan in the quarterfinals and Ambridge in the semi-final.

Host North Allegheny went 2-0 in the opening round and 5-1 in the Golden Pool, but fell to Ambridge in the quarterfinals.


Avonworth 10, Sidwell Friends 9 – Case Loree went 3 by 4 with a double and two RBIs to lead Avonworth in Myrtle Beach. Cooper Schaarding doubled and drove in two points and Patrick Bykowski had a double and an RBI for the antelopes. John McMurray went 3 for 4 with two Doubles and Tommy Levy went 2 for 2 with four RBIs for Sidwell Friends.

Greene County Tech (Ark.) 6, Avonworth 5 Avonworth conquered an early four-run shortage to lose from Green County Tech (Ark.) On a walk-off single by Brooks Robinson in the second half of the seventh inning at the Ripken experience in Myrtle Beach. Sid Palma had three hits and Hayden Jackson rode in three points for Greene County Tech. Cooper Schaarding went 3 for 3 with a triple and solo-home run for Avonworth (0-2).

Pennsbury 2, Avonworth 1 – Brendan Zuckerman tripled and drove a point and Mason Keith threw four scoreless innings to lead Pennsbury in Myrtle Beach, SC Ryan Scully doubled and drove in a run for Avonworth (0-2).

Severn School (Md.) 9, New Castle 8 Five players each picked up two hits, while Severn School (MD.) Two-scored in the second seventh to defeat New Castle (0-2) in Myrtle Beach. Angelo Salvo doubled, tripled and drove in two points for New Castle.


Bearden (Tenn.) 15, Burgettstown 9 At the Ripken experience in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Abigail Pierce had a double and three RBIs when Bearden (Tenn.) Defeated Burggettstown. Brooklyn Robinson went 2 for 2 with two RBIs and two points scored for Burgettstown.

Bentworth 11, Portsmouth (OH) Sydney Gonglik went 3 for 3 with two points and an RBI when Bentworth (2-2) Portsmouth (OHIO) defeated in Pigeon Forge, Tenn.

Bethel Park 13, John F. Kennedy Prep (NY) 0 In a five-after competition on the Ripken experience in Myrtle Beach, Courtney Roberts 4 for 4 went with two triples and a double, three points and two RBIs such as Bethel Park (4-0) beat John F. Kennedy Prep (NY). Nina DePasquale went 3 for 4 and drove in four points while Sia Spano 3 went for 3 for 3. Taylor Striegel threw all five innings for the victory and switched two.

Patrick Henry (Ohio) 6, Burgettstown 5 Brooke Scherdt went 3 for 3 and had two points when Patrick Henry (Ohio) defeated Burgettstown in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Raya Sentipal had three hits and scored twice for Burgettstown.

Patrick Henry (Ohio) 5, Laurel Highlands 2 – Kasey Nelson hit a two-run Homer to lead Patrick Henry in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Emelia Cavaliere went 2 for 4 for Laurel Highlands (1-3).

South Fayette 16, Clay County (W. Va.) 1 In a five-aftering match in Myrtle Beach Homde Cam Valentino twice and drove in six runs to lead South Fayette (2-2) about Clay County (W.Va.). Maddie Cavenaugh had a double, triple, scored three times and rode in three points while taking the victory in the circle, giving up two hits and threw eight.

South Fayette 13, Sharpsville 3 Maddie Cavanaugh went 4 for 4 and drove four points for South Fayette (1-2) past Sharpsville in Leiden in six innings in Myrtle Beach. Cam Valentino also went 4 for 4 for the Lions while teammate Liv Bonacci 3 for 3 went with one RBI.

Stevenson (IL) 5, Trinity 4 – Winning pitcher Ava Potempa threw 13 and Jasmine Lucero went 2 for 4 with an RBI to lead Stevenson in Myrtle Beach. Alexa Zawacki tripled and drove in three points for Trinity (2-2).

Trinity 5, Burrell 4 – Alexa Zawacki went 4 for 4 with a double for Trinity (2-2) past Burrell (0-1) in Leiden in Myrtle Beach. Braelyn Jones went 3 for 4 with a double and two RBIs and Shelby Novak crashed, doubled and drove in a run for the BUCs.

Girls Lacrosse

Seton Lasalle 12, Indiana 7 Lizzie Dorley had four goals and four assists to lead Seton Lasalle about Indiana in a section 1-2A Matchup. Riley Woods and Megan Kelley each added three goals for Seton Lasalle, while Laeken noted the hat trick for Indiana.




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