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How Kenny Minchey Casus argues in the Notre Dame Football QB competition

How Kenny Minchey Casus argues in the Notre Dame Football QB competition



South Bend, Ind. Marcus Freeman knew Kenny Minchey would argue for hearing in the conversation with the former Quarterback from Notre Dame Riley Leonard Based on athletics.

Kenny might argue with me that he is just as good as Riley, said Notre Dame's head coach on Wednesday, but I don't know.

Minchey, a Quarterback from the Junior for the Irish, admitted that he joked last year with Leonard, who broke NDS Single-Season hasty TouchDowns record for Quarterbacks with 17, about that. But they never stood in line for a race, and Minchey said it might have the same level of athletics.

I think we might bind, Minchey said on Friday about a hypothetical race with Leonard.

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The 6-foot-2, 206 pound Minchey is perhaps athletic than the other two contenders in this year's quarterback competition, senior future Steve Angeli and second future CJ CarrBut he is also someone Quarterbacks Coach Gino Guidugli has previously described as a Gunslinger. Guidugli also described Minchey as a really accurate passer on Friday.

Personally, I would say the accuracy and I try to work on my decision-making, MINCHEY said about what he hopes distinguish him in the Quarterback competition. Play capacity, that can match athletics.

Minchey has been statistically accurate in his very limited playing time at Notre Dame. He completed all three of his fitting attempts for 16 Yards while he appeared in four games for the past two seasons. He also hurried twice for 12 meters and one touchdown. The accuracy of Mincheys goes back to his days at Pope John Paul II High in Hendersonville, Tenn., When he completed 67.7% of his passes (67-of-99) for 1,042 yards and 15 touchdowns with one interception while playing in just six games as a senior.

Minchey wants to be able to link his athletics and accuracy together by making throwing when needed.

From the perspective of a quarterbacks it is all about your mechanics and it is something you have to work on, said Minchey. One small movement of the way your shoulders are tilted or the way your hips are tilted, the ball can sail or go into the dirt.

The point is to be comfortable and try to stick to your mechanics when you get moving, which is very difficult to do. Some guys make it look easy, but it is very difficult.

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Minchey is also not lacking. He estimated that he could throw the ball about 70 meters, but he did not try to throw his furthest in more than a year. The last time he did that is perhaps messing around with the former Quarterback from Notre Dame Sam Hartman in 2023.

Guidugli pointed out on 2023 when Minchey was a first -year students as a reason for Minchey for the curve. Notre Dame was just three fair Quarterbacks Hartman, Angeli and Minchey afterwards Tyler Buchter transferred to Alabama that summer and autumn. As a result, Minchey could take practice representatives who suggested Guidugli that most real first -year students usually did not receive.

Mental, Kenny's now, said Guidugli. We do a script assessment every practice in our meeting before we walk away. Kennys The man who comes in, and when the coach makes a mistake in the script, he will be the first to say, hey, on game 12, that's no, Kenny, you're right. That should be this.

Minchey trusts that Guidugli will also continue to help develop his game.

With three sources in a row, he knows where I started and where I came. He knows small mistakes that I might make my first spring and if I make that mistake here, he is easy to correct that, MINCHEY said. Did not try to go back to old habits.

Also building that connection in the past two years, when he talks to me about something, I know it comes from a good place.

As an offensive coordinator of the Notre Dame Mike Denbrock continues to evolve the Irish attack, Minchey sees itself as a quarterback that can help achieve the larger goals.

You hear him in practice and in the film room. You know he wants us to take pictures, MINCHEY said. He wants us to push the ball over the field because you have to do that to be successful in the University Football. With a few plays we have been able to move as a quarterbacks and read some of the defensive rulers, to make ends meet, and I feel that it suits me pretty well.

Just like Angeli and Carr, Minchey tried the idea that there is some discomfort under the trio of competitors. They all try to get better together instead of concentrating on beating each other.

It was never anything that was about, MINCHEY said. Were all friends. We hang outside the field, outside the Gug (Guglielmino Athletics Complex). There is no tension, at least from my perspective. Were all friends and we happen to compete for the same position.

Notre Ladies Coaching Staff has intentionally mapped a plan to get all three quarterbacks an equal number of repetitions from the first team in the spring practice. Minchey took some representatives from the first team during the NDS winter program, which prepared him for the first team representatives he received in practice last week.

In the beginning it was like, oh, nonsense. First team. It's really going to be, said Minchey Friday. Today, taking first team representatives, it felt much more comfortable.

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