Brad Berry Out as Hen's Hockey Coach – Grand Forks Herald

Grand Forks Brad Berry is eliminated as Unds Mens Hockey Coach.
UND changes two days after the end of the und season with a 4-2 loss for West-Michigan in the National Collegiate Hockey Conference Frozen Faceoff Half-Fits in St. Paul's Xcel Energy Center.
Coach Berry has held a huge decade with his Alma Mater, “und athletic director Bill Chaves said.” Not many coaches win a national title and he is one of a few. His time will be cherished, but today was the right time to move in a new direction for und hockey. “
The players were informed during a team meeting on Sunday evening.
Dane Jackson will serve as an interim head coach of the program. Jackson has been an assistant with the program for the past 19 years.
Berry had another year on his contract. According to his contract, und him $ 493,500 owes him.
Und missed the NCAA tournament for the second time in three years.
For 10 years at the helm, he led to five Penrose Cups and the NCAA National Championship 2016.
Berry posted a record of 227-119-35. Its .642 career -winning percentage is in third place of the 64 active NCAA head coaches, only behind Denvers David Carle and Wisconsins Mike Hastings.
Und ended with a winning record in all 10 years.
He was named the NCHCS Herb Brooks Coach of the Year and the National Coach of the Year in 2020 four times, when one of the best seasons in program history was wiped out because of the Coronavirus Pandemie.
Berrys official period was characterized by championship teams or missed the NCAA tournament barely.
Three of the seven best teams in program history were Berrys 2016, 2020 and 2021. One won the national title. They got no chance. The other lost in a five-overtime match to go to the frozen four.
Berry won five league titles and Bond Dean Blais for the most part of every und coach.
Berrys teams have also missed the NCAA tournament four times.
In 2018, und. 14 was in pair and missed the NCAAs because of three upset winners in other conference tournaments. It is the only time in the last 17 years that a team was not eligible in the pair.
Und end no. 20 in 2019, no. 19 in 2023 and no. 18 this season, when und 21-15-2 went. It is the first time that und 20 games won and the NCAA tournament has missed since 1990.
Und will probably speed up a coaching search.
The NCAA transfer portal opens for non-graduates on March 30. Und has a strong core of young players. They will try to lure other programs away.
Und has not often gone outside the family for head coaching.
Since 1959, Und has hired only one head coach who was not an assistant in 1968 in the Rube Bjorkman program.
The others in that span Barry Thorndycraft (1963 NCAA title), Bob Peters, Bill Selman, Gino Gparini (1980, 1982, 1987), Dean Blais (1997, 2000), Dave Hakstol and Berry (2016) were all the previously assistant.
Peters, Selman, Gasparini, Hakstol and Berry also played at Und.
Berry played defense for und from 1983-86 and had two stints as assistant coach.
Blais hired Berry in 2000 and he stayed at the start of the Dave Hakstols term of office. In 2006, Berry left to take an American Hockey League coaching track at the Manitoba Moose.
He returned to Grand Forks in 2008 to start the Hockey Academy in Ralph Engelstad Arena. After two years he accepted a job as an assistant coach at the NHLS Columbus Blue Jackets.
Hakstol brought Berry back to the campus as an assistant in 2012.
Berry held that place for three years until Hakstol left to become the head coach of the NHLS Philadelphia Flyers.
The then athletic director Brian Faison hired Berry on the same day as the departure of Hakstols.
Und went 34-6-4 in his first season. He became the first Rookie head coach in the history of the university hockey who won an NCAA National Championship.
Und Beat Quinnipiac 5-1 in the title game in Tampa, FLA.
Since then, the fortunes have been returned to the NCAA tournament. It has often played without its top defender and has lost overtime games.
First team All-American Tucker Poolman missed the 2017 tournament after an injury in the NCHC play-offs. Und lost from Boston University in double extension in Fargo.
First team All-American Jake Sanderon missed the 2022 tournament after an injury in the NCHC play-offs. And lost to Notre Dame in the extension in Albany, NY
Garrett Pyke missed the 2023 tournament after an injury in the NCHC Frozen Faceoff. End lost to Michigan with 4-3 in Maryland Heights, Mo.
Brad Berry 227-119-35 (.642), 2015-25
Dave Hakstol 289-143-43 (.654), 2004-15
Dean Blais 262-115-33 (.679), 1994-04
Gino Gasparini 392-248-24 (.608), 1978-94
Rube Bjorkman 149-168-11 (.447), 1968-78
Bill Selman 39-20-3 (.653), 1966-68
Bob Peters 42-20-1 (.674), 1964-66
Barry ThorndyCraft 71-65-8 (.521), 1959-64
Bob May 44-17-2 (.714), 1957-59
Al Renfrew 18-11 (.621), 1956-57
Fido Stern 94-75-8 (.554), 1949-56
Don Norman 20-17-1 (.539), 1947-49
John Jamieson 7-6 (.538), 1946-47
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